Chapter 15: Partner in Crime

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A weeks later . . .

I could hear the loud noices coming from down the lobby. I was living in the 2nd floor of the hotel. I was currently doing my makeup, in other word disguise to meet somebody today.

From there, I could almost hear everything that was happening downstairs.

Apparently, it was already July here and as this hotel is one of the top tourist hotel, we held different parties often to entertain the guests. There was a buffet in the hotel dining room today and we had famous bands coming over here today for a concert.

Everything was happening in the hotel party and dining room. We invited all the hotel guests and customers to join us in the party.

But what was even more interesting was that I had invited Waali today to my private meeting room to talk to him about the drugs. Apparently, in these past weeks, I have been sending undercover police officers in disguised as gangsters to Waali. Of course, Waali didn't know about it and began to trade drugs with us. He even shared many locations of where he had his massive drug businesses.

I have kept those locations monitored. Some locations that were far from Miami were already taken care off by Nabil.

I have faxed him all the locations that I got to know so far. We didn't attact any of his business location in Miami or close to Miami so that he won't get suspicious about me.

Waali slowly began to trust me and now, he considered me as one of his most trusted companions. And that's what I wanted. Today, in the meeting, he said he would introduce me to his partner in crime.

Waali never told me that he had a partner in crime before. Even when I was 16 and was taken to Waali, he never mentioned about his partner in crime.

He had hidden the secret very well. If my guess was correct then, this person was probably the person who was spying on Eshan and me 5 years ago. All my moves, what happened between me and Eshan, he was the one who informed Waali about it.

Today was a great chance for me to meet that person.

I was finally going to find out who stabbed Eshan and me on our back 5 years ago.

I looked at the mirror and saw that I finished doing my whole disguise. My face had dark foundation. I had fake flickels on my cheeks and nose. I put on a purple lipstick and put on some mascara.

I didn't had time to do a full on makeup because I wasn't going to attend the party. I was going to attend a meeting with Waali.

I turned around and saw Eira and Sean putting on their socks. I smiled and watched them. My babies were getting ready all by themselves.

Eira was all dressed up, wearing her red princess dress. Sean was wearing just a simple t-shirt and gym pant. It was funny to call them a twins when they had nothing similar in attitudes or choices.

Eira liked dressing up all pretty and she loved getting attention. Sean on the other hand was just like Eshan. Simple, quiet but a strong boy.

Just remembering Eshan made me upset. After our argument last time, not even once he talked to me. Heck I didn't get get to see him.

I saw him in TV or newspaper where I saw him attending business meetings and attend social gathering.

It felt like he was so far away when we were both living under the same roof.

"Done!" Eira laughed as she threw her arms on the air. "Done, mommy!" She giggled and looked at me.

I smiled. She had always reminded me of Aliya.

"Mommy, look!" Seen said as he pointed at himself. "We are ready."

I nodded and walked to the kids. I bend down to meet their level.

"Good job!" I said and rubbed their back. "Mommy is going to attend a meeting. Meanwhile, I am going to have a staff to babysit you when you guys go to the buffet. You have to be good, okay?"

The kids looked sad but nodded.

"Mommy," Eira said and came closer to me. "We are going to be good."

I kissed her forehead. "Thanks darling."

I looked at Sean. He seemed to be in deep thought.

"Sean?" I put one of my hand on his cheek.

"Mommy," he said and took my hand and held it. "I am going to take care of Eira. You have to come back quick, okay?"

I laughed and pulled him and Eira in a hug.

"We get lonely mommy when you are not there with us," Eira said softly.

I knew what she meant.

I was busy with arranging meetings and handling Waali's case that I was not spending enough time with the kids.

Just a few more days. After that, I will finish up this case and will get back with the kids. Then maybe I could go to Eshan . . .

I hesitated.

Could I really go back to him?

I mean . . . It had been 5 years . . .

The way he behaves and treats people, it almost makes me feel like he moved on in his life.

I mean, it had been 5 years.

It would be stupid for me to imagine him not to move on.

He was a celebrity. He was a successful bachelor. And now . . . He knew nothing more than money . . .

Eshan felt like he was just beyond my reach . . .

Even though, I knew it was selfish for me to think that he didn't move on but still . . . The attitude and the popularity he was having around him made me felt so insecure.

Jusy imaging somebody else with him was making my heart sank.

I hugged the kids tightly and held back my tears.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

It must me Eugene who I ordered to babysit my kids.

I pulled away from the kids and stood up. "Let's go, kids," I said and walked to the door.

The kids followed me.

Opening the door, I saw Eugene wearing the staff uniform.

"Hello Ms. Ifra," he said, using my fake name. "Your guests are waiting for you in your chamber."

I nodded. "Thank you, Eugene. Take care for the kids while I take care of this meeting," I told him.

He nodded. "Good luck, Ms. Ifra," he said.

I looked at the kids and bend down and kissed their forehead. "Allah Hafeeze," I said and got out of the suit.

The kids waved at me. "Allah Hafeeze," the kids said.

I smiled and then turned around.

Waali, here I come. Today, I will find out who is your partner in crime who deceived Eshan and me 5 years ago.

I must find out today.


Assalamualikum and hello!

How are you guys!

It's been a long time. I know. I am really sorry about it.

I will try to update daily to makeup for it. Really sorry guys.

Please ignore my grammatical and spelling errors. I will fix it later.

I will try best to make it interesting and fun. Planning to write Eshan and Sarah's romantic scene soon in the upcoming chapters. Hope you all are looking forward to it. They will be reunited soon.


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