Chapter 13: The Talk

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"What?" I saw the woman on my laptop screen saying as she was looking at me. "Don't look at me as if you want to kill me or something?"

I didn't say anything.

I kept staring at the laptop screen where I was currently having a video call in WhatsApp video with Neaha.

Apprently, I needed to talk to Nabil so I did a video phone call to Nabil's phone but Neaha picked it up.

Obviously seeing Neaha reminded me of what happened a few hours ago in the garden and I told her how her stupid story of Eshan getting lost in the mountain was lame and stupid and that's what we are talking about now.

"Listen, it wasn't my fault that I told the kids that their daddy got lost in a mountain," she explained.

"Oh yeah?" I raised my eyebrows. "Whose fault it is then?"

Neaha snorted, "Um, I don't know." She tried to defend her self as she played with her fingers and talked. "It wasn't my fault that your hubby wasn't around when you were popping out babies. Plus, your twins kept asking me about their daddy and since you would always ignore that topic, I just told the kids that their daddy got lost in a mountain. As simple as that!"

"Simple?" I sighed. "Eshan was laughing when he heard that from the kids."

"Yeah, but it wasn't like he knew that the kids were his kids," Neaha stated. "So, it's fine. But like even if he did find out that the kids are his, I am pretty sure he wouldn't believe it because of your disguise."

I sighed.

It was useless to talk to her about this issue.

"Oh well," she smiled. "You did pretty good makeup though. I was having hard time recognizing you. Did Eshan got any slightest idea that you are his long lost wifey?"

I rolled my eyes. "No!"

She frowned. "Really? Oh, I thought maybe he is going to catch up with your voice and attitudes."

"Nay, I dought it. Eshan changed a lot. I dought that he even remembers me,"  I said, softly.

I remembered how he was behaving with me earlier.

"Eshan became heartless and he thinks he can buy everything with money. He got so much pride . . ." It was painful to say those words but I continued, "I dought that he would even remember me because all he sees now is money."

"Wow! Okay, so that's something," she said. "I don't know much about your case and case history but people change. Maybe Eshan went though some hardship which turned him the way he is now. Maybe you should talk to Eshan . . ."

"No," I looked at her. "That's a bad decision. Exposing myself to Eshan right now means that I will be pulling him in danger. Plus, Aliya and Yasir are here. I cannot risk their safety."

Neaha nodded. "Yeah, I understand," she said. She was going to continue more when I saw somebody entering the room in the screen in Neaha's room.

It was Nabil.

He was wearing his F.B.I. uniform and looked tired.

"Assalamualikum honey," I heard Neaha saying.

Nabil looked at her and smiled. "Walikum Assalam sweetheart," Nabil said and walked towards her as she was holding her phone and I was watching it on my screen. "What are you doing?"

"Just talking to Sarah," she smiled and walked near Nabil. "Here," she passed the phone to Nabil. "I will prepare your lunch while you finish your chit chat with Sarah."

Nabil smiled and nodded.

Neaha left the room and went to prepare lunch.

I only could see Nabil now. "Assalamualikum Nabil," I said.

"Walikum Assalam Sarah. How is everything there?" Nabil asked.

"Everything is okay. I wanted to ask you," I said as I looked at the notebook that I was holding.

The notebook had a phone number written on it.

"Eugene tracked down one of Waali's man's cell phone number and gave me the phone number this morning," I said. "Do I call back and talk to Waali?"

"Not yet," Nabil stated. "The phone number belongs to one of Waali's important gang member. Talk to that person and ask Waali to meet your personally in the hotel cabin. The hotel have CCTV cameras which will be great to use an evidence later on if it is needed for our case."

"Roger to that," I said, understanding. "I will do it right away."

"Fax me everything so I can have a copy of the report of the mission so far," Nabil said.

I nodded. "Take care," I said and closed the phone.

I took a deep breath and dailed the number that was on the notebook.




"Hello?" I heard a man's voice. "Who are you?"

I cleaned my voice a little and began to talk. "Is this Waali's gang member that I am talking to?"

"Tell me who are you first," the young man answered.

"I am a business person. I own a hotel in Miami that is just a few meters away from the beach," I answered. "If your boss is interested, I would love to have a private chat with him."

"Why would my boss agree to that?"

"Why would he? I am here to discuss something. I have heard that many drug dealers are getting arrested very often in Miami. Don't worry, I know who is your boss and I know how business works for your boss. I am a business woman and I am here to only invest and earn money. Drug is not an obstacle."

"Still. We don't know you! Why would we deal with an unknown woman?"

"For money, what else? I am planning to invest a small amount $20,000 on our first meeting. The money will be increasing once I get into touch with Waali and it will be depending in the amount if drugs I will be receiving."

"How can we trust you though?"

That boy was smart.

"You think you have time to judge me? Everyday several Waali's men's are getting arrested. I am sure your business is not going well. In such a hard time, I am ask you to join me. I don't see a reason to deny," I said. "I am a business woman. I invest and make money out of it. Even if it means selling drugs."

"I am not sure," the young man, hesitatedly.

"Well, I wouldn't mind if you don't accept my offer. But at least come and have a little supper with me," I said. "I will discuss my investments and mind you, if I like your drugs, I will not hesitate to invest over $1, 000, 000, 000 for your gang."

"$1, 000, 000, 000?" That man asked in confusion.

"Yes," I said. "$1, 000, 000, 000 is actually too little. I can invest more. But to do all that, I need to have a face to face chat with your boss."

"Yes, I understand," the young man said. "I will inform my boss Waali about it."

"See you at 5:00 PM in Louis Mandarin Hotel," I said. "I sill be in my C.E.O.'s cabin."

"Yes, I will definitely bring my boss and we will sign contracts. This is such a good opportunity," that young man said.

I laughed as I hung on the phone.

Good job, Sarah!

Step one is done.

I will be talking to Waali today and hopefully become his friends. Once that works out, I can continue with my secret mission.

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