Chapter 31: Few Days Later

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"We have received everything," I heard a voice coming from the laptop. "Don't worry, Agent Sarah. We can now move forward with the plan."

I nodded and looked at the laptop screen. "Sounds good. Talk to you soon then," I said and turned off the webcame.

Apparently, I was having a video chat with the other undercover cops from Eshan's laptop.

It had been a few days since the incident happened. I was recovering from the wounds. Apparantly, the chip that I had on my shoes before I went to meet Waali helped the undercover cops to track me.

They contacted me and got to know what happened. I told them about the whole incident.

Apparently, the other scuba drivers who were there that day were all police officers. Eshan told me that when he went to save me and followed the GPS, he informed the policies as well.

Obviously, the polices got to know about it and rescued me and Nathan. Nathan was taken to a hospital and I was brought here after my surgery because as an agent, I had a lot of enemies. If enemies knew that I was vulnerable that time and staying at a hospital, they could have attacked me.

Therefore, Eshan and the police force decided to move us into a new apartment. Eshan did pay for the apartment and everything. But after I woke up and had a little chat with Eshan but we didn't talk much about the case or whatever was going on. There was a nurse who would come here and would always check on me as well.

Eshan was just taking care of me without asking for any explanation. But I knew in my heart that he wanted me to open up to him when I was ready.

That's what I liked about Eshan.

Eshan would never force me into anything.

He didn't even ask me a single question when I contacted the undercover cops using his phone.

My phone and watch which I had done a video recording of everything were in the police station with the police. They kept it with them after I was rescued.

In these few days, I have got to know that Nathan was alive but he lost his one leg and one arm. But he was still alive and was in the hospital. The undercover cops already looked at the video that was recorded with the spy camera in the watch and send it to the court.

We basically have all the evidence and even a witness now against Waali.

All we needed to do now was to arrest Waali.

Once that is done, I could have everything normal and the kids could see their dad.

Just thinking about my babies made me upset.

I didn't told Eshan about anything about the babies or why I hid myself from him for so long. He didn't even know how, when or why I joined F.B.I.

I never brought up those topics when we chatted.

Most of the time I was just stressed to keep everything inside me. But I was also scared to see Eshan's reaction when he would get to know about everything.

The biggest concern now was the twins. It has been 5 years. Many things can happen in those 5 years.

I didn't even know if he wanted to have kids.

We didn't even get to spend time after we got married. Having kids was a whole new thing.

Plus, what if he never wanted kids?

He didn't seem to have a good temper with the kids when he first saw them.

Will he even except my babies?

There was just so many things to think about. I knew Eugene was taking care of the babies while I was here but still . . .

I haven't seen my little ones for such a long time. Even thought it was just a few days, I already missed them.

I leaned my head against the bed headboard and sighed.

Everything was a mess.

Closing my eyes, I stayed there for a few minutes. Everything seamed to be still.

Slowly, I could hear the sound of water dripping. I knew Eshan was taking a shower in the bathroom. We have already prayed the Isha prayer and Eshan decided to take a shower before we went to sleep.

I could hear the sound of water dripping in the shower again. Just knowing that Eshan was taking a shower and I was just in the bed which was a few meters away from the bathroom was making me a little uncomfortable. All the weird and embarrassing stuffs were running through my head.

I slapped my cheeks with my two hands lightly.

What the heck?!

Why am I acting like a newly wedded wife when I had been married to Eshan for 5 years?!

This is messed up!

The more I tried not to think about Eshan taking a shower, the more weird things popped into my mind.

In my mind, I could imagine water pouring down Eshan's hair and then down to his chin and neck . . .

I slapped my cheeks hard this time.

Darn it!

What the bloody hell?!

My cheeks were all red from whatever stupid thing I saw in my imagination.


I need to do something to get over with this stupid feelings.

I looked at the wall clock and saw that it was 11 PM. We did had our dinner but I was still feeling a little hungry.

Maybe, I should just find myself a small snack.

I got off the bed and walked to the kitchen. My shoulder still hurt, but I could move my arms. As long as I wouldn't move my arms quickly or upwards, I wouldn't feel any pain.

When I went to the kitchen I saw that the kitchen was empty. There were no chairs or dishes in the sink. I went near the refrigerator and opened it and saw only eggs and milk there.

I sighed.

What was I expecting?

Eshan had work and he brough this appartment a few days ago. Most of the foods that we ate were from outside.

Guess, I had to just make omelet tonight.

I grabbed two eggs and milk and put it on the kitchen counter. Taking out a frying pan and turning on the stove, I began to cook the omelet.

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