Chapter 20: The So-Called Dream

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The tears didn't stop. I bit my lips and tried to not make any sound. He had marks on his back and even arms. It was as if it was him who tried to hurt himself.

It was breaking my heart. I ran my fingers on the old cuts.

Just . . . How long was he doing this for?

"S-s-arah . . ." I heard him muttering. He was saying something in his sleep.

I looked at him and saw him slowly opening his eyes. He blinked a few time but didn't looked shocked or anything. Instead he had a sad smile on his face.

I put my hands on his face and cupped his cheeks. My hair was open and all over the place. My tears were still running down my eyes.

I just wanted to ask him why was he doing something so stupid, but instead what he said made me more upset.

"Am I dreaming of you again, Sarah?" Eshan said, softly.

I could sense the pain in his voice. I could see him trying to keep his eyes open but he looked worn out and weak.

"You know . . ." He panted slowly. " . . . You always come in my dream . . . Kiss me . . . Tell me how much you love me . . . And then," a tear slipped down his eyes. " . . . When I wake up, I don't see you in my arms anymore . . ."

I felt like I couldn't breathe anymore. I knew Eshan was telling me these things because he was thinking that he was dreamed.

But I knew that it was me who caused him so much pain.

" . . . Sometimes, I see you running away from me in my dream," he whispered and place his hand on my cheek. "I call your name but you never wait for me. You just keep running . . . And running . . ." Another tears slide down his eyes. " . . . And then I see you falling down the cliff . . ."

I couldn't hold any longer. I wrapped my arms around Eshan and hugged him. His arms tightened around my body.

It was breaking my heart.

I just wished that I could do something to make him understand how much sorry I was.

I just wished that I could be always in his arms like this.

But those were only wishes that won't come true. Not until I take my revenge on Waali.

I pulled away from the hug and was going to get off the bed when he held my hand. I looked at him and saw how vulnerable he looked.

I don't think I had ever saw Eshan like this.

"You are going to leave me again?" He asked. His voice was filled with pain and anger. "Stay with me, please," his said desperately. "Atleast don't ditch me in my dream."


I wished he knew how hard it was for me to stay away from him for 5 years.

Eshan was my everything. My other half.

Seeing him pledging like this was making my heart clenched in pain.

I turned my head to him and bend down and pressed a soft kiss on his forehead. "I am not leaving you, Eshan," I whispered as I looked at him.

He looked at me with so much hope in his eyes. "Really?" He asked and I nodded. "At least . . . You are going to be with me in this dream unlike the other nightmares."

Tears ran down my eyes and I couldn't stop myself from crashing my lips onto his. My lips pressed against his warm lips. My hands cupped his cheeks. I felt his warm breath on me.

I knew what I was doing was stupid.

But right now, nothing mattered.

I was just too weak to hold myself back. I just wanted him to understand that I wasn't planning to leave him. Not tonight atleast.

Eshan's arms wrapped around my waist and he slide his tongue inside my mouth, kissing me back. I nibbled on his lower lip and rolled my tougue inside his mouth. Our tougue battled as we kiss deeper. His arms held me tightly and pulled me close to him as if he was terrified of me running away from him.

He titled his head and kissed me deeper. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. I kissed down to his jaw and then back to his lips. Placing a soft kiss on his lips, I looked at him.

My hands cup his cheeks. I was so close to him that I could feel his warm breath on me. I saw him staring at me with his dark chocolate brown eyes. His arms around my waist loosened as he ran his fingers on my wavy hair.

Eshan looked a little relaxed now. "I don't want to wake up from this dream, Sarah," he whispered as he took my hand and placed a kiss on my fingers. "I want to hold you in my arms like this. Always. I want to . . ." His eye lids were getting heavier and I saw him trying to keep his eyes open.

"Just go to sleep," I whispered.

I still needed to put pajamas on him. Plus, I had to put ice packs on him and hopefully, his fever would go down.

"If I fall asleep, you will leave me soon," he whispered and tried to keep his eyes open.

"I won't, Eshan," I whispered and placed a kiss on his nose. "I promise I will be with you again . . ."

"You better be," he had a small smile on his face now but his eyes were closed. "I want to see baby Sarah . . . Sitting on my back . . . Play little horshie with me . . ."

I smiled, playing along. "We can have a son too . . ." I whispered.

He pulled me close to him and hugged me. My head rested on his chest and his arms were wrapped on my waist. "We will have twins then . . ." He mumbled falling asleep.

"Maybe we already have twins," I whispered but noticed him already sleeping.

I pulled myself away from him and sat up on the bed.

It was good that he was asleep.

I had to finish changing him and then feed him the medicine or use the ice packs to lower his temperature. I was going to got off the bed to finish the rest of the work when I realized that he was holding my hand and was sleeping.

I almost wanted to laugh.

Did he thought I was going to run away from him?

But the again, who could blame him.

I sighed and leaned down and place a soft kiss on his lips. "We will be together again, Eshan and it won't be a dream. I promise."


Assalamualikum and hello!

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Jusy did a double update. I hope you like both chapters.

Thank you and please keep in supporting me. Have a great day!


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