Chapter 26: The Island

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I could feel the cold wind brushing against my face. It was windy outside. It was a full moon and the moon's ray reflected on the water, making it shine with moonlight. I bend down and used my hand to touch the cold water.

"How are you liking the boat ride, Ifra?" I heard Waali speaking.

I looked up and saw him rowing the wooden boat where him and I were sitting.

"It's good," I answered to him and pulled away my hands to my lap.

"We would reach there soon," Waali said and looked back where we could see the island.

I nodded. "But you what Waali, I never thought that we would go to the island in a boat," I told him.

It was confusing.

It was night time and I met Waali on a beach. He was suppose to take me to his island. I thought he would bring a waverunner or a ship, but instead, he brought a wooden boat.

It didn't make sense.

"Ifra, you already know that our island is something that the police force is search for years right? But still haven't found it?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yes, exactly."

Waali smiled. "It is because of lodestone rocks."

I was even more confused.

Waali kept rowing the boat as he spoke. "Our island is actually a small and simple item. Nothing special about it, except one thing. Our island is filled with millions, if not, trillions of lodestone rocks. You know what is lodestone rock right?"

I nodded. "Absolutely. Lodestone rocks are a type of rock that can be magnetized by the strong magnetic fields surrounding lightning bolts."

Waali smiled. "Exactly. Our island is close to this beach. Just a few hours in a boat will get you there. Because it is around the coastal regions, we have more rainfall which leading to more storms and lightning bolts."

My eyes wided in realization. "You mean, because there are so much lodestone rocks in the island and lighting bolts are always sticking around that area, the lodestone rocks converted itself to a huge magnetic field?!"

Waali nodded. "You are very clever, Ifra. I didn't thought you would understand the science part here right away."

I couldn't believe my ears. This was a huge discovery. The island is basically working as a huge magnetic field!

"All the ships and waverunner would be able to reach here!" I exclaimed. "All of those are made of irons or steal. The island will pull those in a great force."

"Exactly," Waali said. "When the island pull the ships and waverunner in that great force, most of the time, the passengers loose balance and falls in the water and drown. Even if they manage to survive, we have our men on the coast who wouldn't let them return back alive."

Ohh gosh!

This is why!

This is why we were never able to catch Waali because he would always escape thought water path. FBI and police force will always use their waverunner or moter ships to follow Waali and would never make it alive.

This was the freaking reason!

This was the reason why Waali took me to this island with a wooden boat.

I couldn't believe it!

Nobody knew that this island was this unique!

I was so deep in thought that I didn't realize when our boat reached the island. The boat moved a little as it crushed on the land, making me snap out of my thought.

I looked up the island. There were trees and uneven surface of land. Most places were covered in rocks. Few men were sitting on the land, drinking there and talking. Some were walking around the land with guns on this hands.

Waali got off the boat and ended his hand to me. "Welcome to my island, Ifra."

I looked at him. The least thing I wanted to do at this moment was to hold Waali's hand. Instead, I got off the boat by myself and looked at him. Trying my best to fakely smiled, I said, "Thank you, Waali."

Waali pulled away his hand silently and nodded. "Let me show you around."

I nodded.

I began to walk with Waali as he began to show me around. As we were walking, I made sure to keep my hand still where my write watch was. The watch was custom made and had a tiny camera in it which was recording every details of the island.

Waali, right now, I am just collecting the evidences. Once I go out of this island, I will proceed with the plan that I had in my head to destroy you.

Assalamualikum and hello!

How are you?

How is this chapter?

Sorry if this chapter was a little short. I am working on the next chapter and hopefully I will make it very interesting for you guys.

Take care and have a nice day!


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