Chapter 25: The Shadow

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Back to Sarah's POV

The next morning . . .
I was looking through the files that was handed to me by the undercover cops. There were a bunch of finger print reports, video originality report, tracking locations information with the latest updates.

Looking away from the files, I looked at the the undercover cops who were sitting in front of me and were in disguise of just regular people. There were about ten to eleven undercover cops here who were working under me.

I was currently sitting on my suite's living room with the undercover cops sitting on the sofas and was waiting for my reply to their reports.

Apparently, this morning, Waali's men and he, himself, came to the hotel to smuggle the drugs.

I went ahead with my plan and while the smuggling was going on, we collected finger prints and video recordings of Waali and his gang members.

"Agent Sarah," one of the undercover cops said. "How are the reports?"

I nodded. "You guys did a good job," I commented.

The undercover cops looked pleased with my answer. They were smiling at eachother.

"But of course," I began. "This is not going to be enough."

The smile faded from their face.

"What do you mean?" One asked.

"With this evidence we can catch Waali and pull him in court," I answered. "But-"

"But what, Agent Sarah?" Another asked.

I sighed and looked at them. "Just only dragging Waali to the court won't do much. We need to capture their entire gang. We need to find out about the island which is his most secretive place where he produces the drug. All the drug supplies, the black money or all the documents of how much he sold the drugs in the black market, everything . . . Everything is in that island."

"So, that means," one of the undercover cops said. "If we have to finish their entire gang, we need to find a way to get a hold of Waali's secret island."

"Exactly," I said.

"But I heard that no officer were able to trace his island," one undercover cop said.

"Not only that," another one joined in the conversation. "I have even read news reports that in the past, some agents did try to follow him to his island but they never made it out alive."

I frowned.

Just what was so special about that island that nobody were able to reach Waali.

"Either way," I sighed. "I am going to go with Waali to his private island tonight."

The cops looked at me in shock.

"Agent Sarah, that's crazy!" One commented.

"You can have your life at risk!" Another one commented.

"Not only that, who knows what Waali would do to you there," somebody else commented.

"Silence!" I spoke in a stern voice.

The room quieted down as all the undercover cops looked at me.

I sighed. "Even though this is a risky plan," I paused. "We have to go with it. This is the only way I would understand the mystery behind the island."

Some cops looked puzzled and others shook their head in disagreement.

I was going to say something else when I saw two little head poking inside the room from the doorway.

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