Chapter 34: Twins meet Eshan

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I knocked the hotel door a few times. I was finally able to come today to see my babies. Eshan was just standing beside me and seemed a little nervous but happy.

The door opened and we immediately saw Eugene there opening the door. His eyes immediately lit up as he saw me.

"Good morning, ma'am," Eugene said.

I smiled and nodded. "Good morning, Eugene. Are the kids awake yet?"

Eugene wasn't paying attention to me. Rather he was looking at Eshan. "Who is this, ma'am?"

I was going to answer when Eshan put his arms on my shoulder from the back and said, "I am her husband. Eshan Jatt. You have any problem?"

I sighed.

Why do men have to be jealous about everything?

Eugene looked shocked once he heard what Edhan said. "You are . . . Really?" He asked looking at me.

I nodded. "Sorry for not telling you before, Eugene."

Before Eugene could say anything, I heard the sound of little footsteps running towards the door. Within a few seconds, we saw two little bodies running towards us.

The babies ran towards me and wrapped their little arms around my legs.

"Assalamualikum mommy!" Both kids giggled and hugged my legs tightly.

I smiled and bend down to meet their height. Pulling the kids in a hug, I kissed their forehead.

"Walikum Assalam," I whispered kissing both of them on their forehead.

"We missed you, mommy," Eira said as her eyes became all watery.

"Mommy, we were so worried," Sean said whipping his tears that was rolling down his eyes.

I pulled the kids immediately for another hug. "There, there. Mommy is here now."

Eira pulled away from the hug and looked at Eshan. "Hey you! Did you bully mommy again?" She said and pointed at Eshan.

I was going to say something but Eshan bend down to meet the kids height. He patted Eira's head and smiles.

"I wouldn't dare to bully your mommy," he said and smiled.

Eira stared at Eshan for a while looking at him confusingly. She put her little fingers on Eshan's nose and giggled. "You stole my nose."

I bit my lip to hold back my laughter.

I could see Eshan's eyes became watery but he smiled. "We got the same nose."

She pointed at Eshan's eyes and then turned her head back at Sean and said, "Sean look. He got your eyes."

Sean crossed her arms on his chest and looked at Eshan. "We saw those last time too. Last time, he was being mean to mommy. He better not bully mommy this time!"

I laughed and ruffled Sean's hair. "Silly boy," I said. "That man over there is," I said as pointed at Eshan. "Your . . . Daddy . . ."

For a few moment, nobody talked. Everybody was shocked.

I didn't know of the babies were happy or sad.

Eira suddenly pointed at Eshan and said, "So, you are the one who got lost in the mountain?"

All the adults burst into laugh.

The kids looked confused as if why all of us were laughing.

"What's so funny?" Sean said and walked towards Eira.

Eshan laughed and wrapped his arms around the kids and hugged them. "I am sorry my babies. I am sorry for not being with you for a long time. But I am really your daddy."

Eira and Sean's eyes became watery and both burst into tears. Eshan kept hugging the kids and rubbing their back as both kids had their arms around his neck, crying.

I smiled and whipped away my tears.

'Thank you, Allah. Thank you for letting Eshan be back in our lives,' I said in my mind.

Suddenly my phone rang.

I took out my phone and moved to a corner to talk.

"Hello?" I said on the phone.

"Agent Sarah," I heard a voice. It was one of the undercover cop's voice. "There is a problem. According to your plan, we went to the island and captured everybody, but Waali escaped."


"When we came to arrest him, he heard our conversation and got to know that Ifra and Sarah are the same person. We did arrest him but he managed to jump on the water and escaped. We don't know where he is . . ."

I didn't get the finish the talk on the phone when I heard a loud sound of gun shot.

I turned around and saw Waali standing a few meters away but behind Eshan and the kids. He had an evil smile and he was holding a gun this time.

What the hell?

What is he doing here?

Waali pointed the gun at me and smirked. "Sarah, we meet again."

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