Chapter 5: Similarities?

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I stared at the TV in shock. I couldn't believe my eyes and my ears.

I couldn't believe that I saw Eshan in the news. I knew Eshan was famous and would always be in media. I would usually avoided watching business channels because I didn't wanted to watch Eshan.

Even if it was from far . . . Even if it was for his and my kids' safety . . . Watching Eshan from far always remembered me of the moments we had before. It always remained me of how much I missed him.

I wanted to get back to Eshan . . .

I wanted to tell him that I was alive . . .

I wanted to tell him about our kids . . .

I sighed as more tears rolled down my eyes.

I couldn't do what I wanted though. It was too early. I had to keep myself and my kids away from Eshan. At least, until I found out about who was living in Eshan's house with the face of a good person and in behind our back, he was working with Waali.

I bit my lips as more tears rolled down my eyes. I, suddenly, felt two small hands whipping my tears.

I looked down and saw my babies looking at me with their big hazel eyes.

"Mommy, what's wrong?" Eira asked as she whipped my tears.

Sean was looking at me with his worried eyes. "Mommy, what happened?"

I shook my head and whipped my tears. Biting my lips, I fakely smiled. "Nothing honey," I said as I pressed the TV remote and turned off the TV.

Eira looked at little confused and Sean looked down on his hands.

"Come on, sweetheart," I leaned down to my baby girl. "Go and have your breakfast."

She nodded and then stood on the sofa. Smiling a little she threw her arms around my neck and hugged me. I smiled and hugged her back.

"Mommy, it's okay," she smiled and kissed my cheek. "I don't know what happened but don't cry, mommy. I want you to always smile."

I laughed and kissed her forehead.


I loved this girl!

"Thanks honey," I smiled.

She giggled and hugged me again. Then she jumped down the sofa and ran towards the dinning table to have her breakfast.

I looked at my champ who was still looking down on his hands. Sean looked a bit thoughtful. I leaned near Sean and rubbed his back.

"What's wrong, honey?" I asked.

Sean looked at me confusingly. "Mommy, that man in the TV . . ." Sean hesitated.

I raised my eyebrows.

Sean looked at me and held my hands. "Mommy, he got the same hair and eyes as me," he stated.

My eyes wided.

This was why I always kept Sean and Eira away from news and business channels as well. I had never even let my kids to see Eshan's photo.

I wanted to slap my cheeks.

How could I forget that Sean was so much like Eshan?

Even before I knew Eshan, before our marriage, Eshan was always brilliant. How could I forget that he was known as the most successful bachelors business celebrity and own his own international company at a very young age?

Sean was just like Eshan. He was clever and smart and today, just with one look at Eshan on the TV he could already see the similarities between him and Eshan.

"Mommy?" Sean asked. "Who is that man?"

I shook my head and sighed. "He is just a businessman, honey."

"But . . ." Sean looked down. " . . . Why did you cry when you saw him, mommy?"

I smiled sadly. I leaned down to Sean and caressed his cheeks. "Sean, honey-"

"Did that man hurt you before, mommy?" Sean asked with his innocent eyes.


"Yes, mommy," he said. "You were crying when you saw that man."

"Sean, love, that is not the case-"

"Mommy, if he hurt you then you can tell me!" Sean said, confidently. "I will protect you, mommy."

I smiled sadly and leaned to my son and kissed his forehead. "Sean, I don't want to talk about this right now," I said, softly.

Sean nodded. "Okay, mommy," he said and then stood on the sofa. He threw his hands around my neck and hugged me. "Just don't ever cry again, mommy. I am so worried about you."

Hearing Sean's soft worried voice made me chuckle.

He was only in grade 1 and he was already down to fight for his mommy.

I smiled and nodded. I ruffled his hair and kissed his forehead again. "Baby, you want to have your breakfast  now? We have a lot of packing to do."

Sean smiled and giggled. "Yes, we are going to Miami!"

I smiled and scooped him on my arms. I got off the sofa and walked towards the dinning room where I saw my baby girl sitting on her chair and was holding a fork and plastic knief and was trying to cut the pancakes and was struggling.

"When are we going to Miami, mommy?" Sean asked as I put him on his chair.

"Tonight," I replied as I went to Eira and helped her to cut the pancakes into slices.

"Yay!" Sean laughed and cheered.

Eira just giggled in happiness.

I smiled at the kids.

Tonight I was going to Miami and in the news, I saw Eshan going to Miami as well.

I sighed heavily.

Hopefully, I don't meet Eshan there. I was already away from Eshan for too long. I wouldn't know what I would do if I suddenly see Eshan.

'Please, Allah. Make me strong,' I muttered a prayer in my mind.

I wouldn't be able to hold myself back if I see Eshan again.

I had better things to do. I had a case to deal with. I couldn't back away now.

I needed go stick to my goal which was revenge.

I wanted to take revenge on Waali.

At any cost.


Assalamualikum and hello!

How are you?

How is this chapter?

The next chapter is going to update Sunday. I have a few things to do tomorrow so will be busy. Sorry for that.

Please keep supporting me and thank you so much.


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