Chapter 3: The Plan

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I heard a knock on my apartment door. I was lying on the bed and was patting on the kids' back to get the kids to sleep.

I looked down and saw the kids were fast asleep. I smiled and leaned down and kissed the kids forehead.

"Good night chipmunks," I whispered as I kissed the kids' cheeks and pulled the light comforter on them.

I then got off the bed and put on a hijab and made my way towards the appartment door and opened it.

"Assalamualikum Sarah," Nabil said holding a briefcase.

"Walikum Assalam Nabil," I said aa I held closed the door letting him come to the apartment. "Did you got the information that we need?"

He nodded as he took off his shoes. "I got the information that we need for the mission you are helping me with," he said as he made his way to the living room.

I followed him. "You mean the mission to find Waali, right?"

"Sure, if you want to name it that way," he said as he sat on the sofa and put the briefcase on the small tea table. "We call that Case #407 though."

I nodded and sat on the sofa across him.

"I have been taking care of this case for a while along with other cases. This case is just seam to be the hardest case to crack," Nabil said as he pulled out a rolled world map paper from his briefcase.

I watched as Nabil unrolled the paper and put the map on the table. He took out a marker from the brief case and circled few areas.

"This places you see, Sarah," Nabil said as he pointed out the coastal areas of few countries where he circled, "are the areas that we have took under our control."

I raised my eyebrows in confusion.

Seeing me confused, Nabil looked at the map again. "Waali is one of the most advance drug dealer around the globe. Most of his business are in the coastal areas of different countries where he can sell his drugs easily."

I nodded in understanding. "You mean to say that Waali sells drug around the coastal areas so that if there are any police officers who makes plan to capture Waali's gang while selling drugs then the gang members can easily escape through the water route," I said.

Nabil nodded. "Correct. I don't know where he makes his drugs but with my team and I, we have captured more than half of the coastal areas drug peddling business in this five years. However, we couldn't trace where Waali stays or where his main drug factories are. My team and I had ruined more than half of his drug business and recently some of our F.B.I. agents were able track down several important gangsters who worked for Waali."

"Did you got any information out of those gangsters?" I asked

Nabil shook his head. "No. Those gangsters refused to talk. We have tried many ways but the only thing we got out of those gangsters that Waali's main drug dealing business is in an island."

"An island?" I asked.

"Yes," Nabil said. "We don't know which or where the island is. But it makes sense because we are never able to track him or his men which is really weird. There have been times when our agents were trying follow the gangsters but they all would escape through water routes."

"None of our agents ever track them through water route?" I asked.

"They tried," Nabil sighed. "My junior agents have tried tracking them in the water route but would always lost they way. It was really strange but I never paid attention to until recently when I found out that Waali's main business and drug factories are in island. Islands are small and it wouldn't surprise me if he had a small island by himself where he had his own factories and drug business."

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