Chapter 12: Fighting Back

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I couldn't believe I got caught just like that.

I should have put my phone in silent before hiding here.

I sighed and turned around.

I saw my two little babies standing beside Eshan. Both looking extremely happy as if they found a treasure.

"Mommy!" The kids called out as they ran to me.

Eshan seemed a little angry when the kids ran to me and hugged my legs with their small hands.

"Good morning, mommy!" Eira laughed as she looked at me from below.

"You found us, mommy!" Sean giggled as he looked at me from below.

I smiled and bend down to meet the kids with their eye level.

"Yes, I did found you," I smiled and ruffled Sean's hair. "Mommy was so worried."

Sean looked down.

I sighed.

I looked at Eira and saw her looking a little upset. "Why did you come here, honey?" I asked her.

Her two little cheeks flushed as she rubbed her tummy. "I was hungry, mommy," she said, softly.

I frowned. "Why didn't you wake me up then?"

"You were sleeping, mommy," Sean answered.

Oh goodness!

I was happy that the kids were concern about me but I would have rather have the kids wake me up than running around to search for breakfast.

"Mommy was so scared, you know?" I said.

Eira looked at me and put her two little fingers on her ears. "Sorry mommy," she said, almost having her eyes all watery.

Oh baby!

I pulled her closer and kissed her forehead.

"Me too, mommy," Sean said.

I pulled him as well and kissed his forehead.

"Never do that again, okay?" I said.

Both kids nodded and hugged my neck with their little arms.

I hugged the kids back.

I looked at Eshan who seamed a little angry and upset.

I didn't know if I should talk to him.

"You are the woman from before," Eshan said, with his cold voice. "Somebody like you who cannot watch out and walk properly, I should have understood that the kids had an irresponsible parent like you."

What the . . . ?

I didn't get Eshan!

Insulting me in every thing and talking so rudely to me . . .

I knew he didn't know me since I was in disguise but even that . . . I have never seen Eshan acting so rude with anybody.

The kids turned their head back to Eshan.

Eira ran to Eshan and held his hand, pulling him down to meet her eye level. She looked at me. "Mommy, is this our long lost daddy?" She asked.

I didn't know what to say.

I was shocked but Eshan replied, mockingly.

"That lady?" Eshan looked at me. "Oh please, I have better taste in woman."

My mouth dropped in shock.

How could he be so cruel?

Eira was confused. I was sure that the kids didn't understand but the tone he was using was cruel.

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