Chapter 4: The News

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"Yes, Mr. Wong," I said out loud as I flipped the pancakes on the frying pan with a spatula. "Eira and Sean won't be coming to school for a few months."

"But why?" I heard Mr. Wong asking.

The phone was in speaker. Sean was standing on the kitchen counter and was holding the phone out so I could talk to him in the speaker.

"I am moving to a different city for few days, Mr. Wong," I replied as I placed the pancake from the pan to the plate.

"Different city?" He asked.

"Yes, Mr. Wong," I said as I turned to my little girl who was sitting on the kitchen counter and was holding the hand mixer with her little hands and was moving around to mix the pancakes mixture. "My job is transferring there so I am moving to Miami for few weeks."

"Miami?" Sean whispered in excitement.

I smiled at the little boy as he giggled.

"Alright Mrs. Jatt. Thank you for informing me," Mr. Wong said. "Take care."

"You too, Mr. Wong," I said as I took the bowl of mixture from Eira and poured some on the pan.

Sean tapped on the hangup button and put the phone away.

"Mommy! Are we really going to Miami?" Eira jumped in excitement.

I laughed. "Yes, honey," I said as I flipped the pancake that was on the pan.

"Yay!" Sean laughed and high five with Eira. "It's going to be so much fun."

Eira laughed and then turned to me when I put a pancake on the other plate. "Mommy, we are going to stay in a hotel?" She asked.

I nodded as I turned off the stove.

"What's the name of the hotel?" Sean asked as he grabbed the maple syrup bottle.

"Mandarin Louis Hotel," I replied as I put the pan on the dishwasher.

"Manda . . . Manda . . ." Eira struggled as she tried to pronounce the name.

"It is Mandarin, silly!" Sean said as he poured the maple syrup on his pancakes. "Mandarin Louis Hotel."

"Yes, that!" Eira clapped her hands. "I heard in the TV last night."

I raised my eyebrow. "On the TV?"

"Yes," she said as she jumped off the kitchen counter. "Maybe it is still in the TV."

"I am coming too!" Sean said as he put the bottle of maple syrup aside and jumped down the kitchen counter. He ran after Eira.

I sighed and went near the kitchen counter. I took the two plates and walked towards the dining room. I went towards the dinning room and put the two plates on the plate.

I could hear the TV already. The kids already turned on the TV.

"Give me the remote!" I heard Sean yelling.

"No! Give it to me!" I heard Eira yelling.

"I want to see it!"

"No! I want to see it!"

I sighed.

The kids got into fight now.

I walked to the living room where the TV was. The sofa was across from the TV. The kids were sitting on the sofa and were fighting for the remote.

The TV channel kept changing as the kids were fighting and pressing random buttons on the TV causing the TV channels to change.

"Come kids," I sighed as I sat on the sofa and grabbed a pillow. "No need to fight now."

"But mommy!" Sean winned as Eira took the TV remote and pressed on a button.

The TV flipped on a news channel.

"One of the most successful Canadian businessman have recently decided to do a project in Miami," I heard the news reporter saying in the TV.

I haven't looked at the TV yet.

"Come Sean and Eira," I sighed as I took the remote from Eira's hand. I was about the change the channel when I suddenly saw something in the news that stunned me.

In the news, I saw a man surrounded by news reporters in an airport. He was holding a cart with his luggage and his eyes were cold and stern.

"Mr. Jatt, what is your plan about holding the new project in Miami? One reporter asked.

That man move forward towards the checking in area as the reporters kept chasing him.

"Mr. Jatt, do you think it will benefit our Canadian's economy?" Another reporter asked.

That man sighed and turned around to the reporters angrily. "Please, I am going to miss my flight if I get delayed here. I have said many times. I don't disclose my businesses plans. All I can say that I and my employees will be trying our best to start and progress this new project. We hope to make this project successful," that man said and turned around and went through the checking in area.

The footage disappeared as another reporter came in the scene in the news channel.

"So, as you can see, one of the most successful businessman is planning to do a project in Miami with our American businessman. They are hoping to improve both of our countries economy," the news reporter said.

I couldn't believe my eyes as I saw the news. The TV remote dropped from my hand as tears rolled down my eyes from seeing the familiar man who was the closest to my heart.

"Eshan?" I gasped in shock as tears rolled down my eyes.

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