Chapter 7: Crashing into past

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I couldn't believe my eyes. I was shocked when I saw the familiar face.

It was Eshan.

I was still lying on the floor and was looking at Eshan.

Eshan was wearing a business suit and was holding a briefcase. Seeing him after such a long time made me wanted to run to him and hug him.

But I wasn't alone there.

There were many reporters and video camera men and women who were taking video and reporting news.

I looked down and bit my lip. I could feel my heart pounding. I wanted to burst into tears and hug Eshan.

But I couldn't do that.

Not now.

Not yet.

Looking up, I raised my hand, hoping that Eshan would help me to get up. However, that wasn't what happened.

Instead of holding my hand and helping me go get on my feet, Eshan looked at me in disgust.

"Cheap women, like you, don't even know how to walk properly," Eshan said in disgust.

My eyes wided in shock.

How could Eshan say something like that?

Especially to me?

I wanted to break down in tears.

Hearing such harsh words from Eshan was breaking my heart but I knew it wasn't his fault.

I was in disguise.

Eshan wouldn't know it was me but still, how could Eshan be so rude.

I didn't say anything. I slowly got off the floor and used my hands to dust the dusts away from my jeans.

From a little far, I could hear two kids voices coming. But the voices were much like older kids, yet familiar.

"Aliya! Just stop holding onto this bag!" I heard a young male voice.

Wait . . .


I was shocked when I heard the name.

"Yasir! Give the bag to me!" I heard another young woman's voice.


My chest was becoming heavy as I saw the crowds moving appart letting the two young male and female walking towards Eshan.

The girl was wearing a skirt with a long sleeve top. She was also wearing a hijab. Her face looked so similar that I could see so many resemblance of my baby sister on her.

Beside her, there was a boy standing and was wearing a hooded thin jacket and jeans. He also looked so much like Yasir.

Wait . . .

Maybe these kids are Yasir and Aliya. They were much older now and looked a little mature but I could see the same attitudes in the kids.

"Aliya, we should return this bag to the lost and found cabin," Yasin sighed.

"I know," Aliya said as she tried to open the bag. "I just want to look in the bag if there is any ID."

So, these kids are Aliya and Yasir.

Gosh, my baby sister had been grown so much.

I wanted to go and hug Aliya and Yasir.

It had been 5 years. Aliya must be 8 years old and Yasir must be 10 years old.

The kids had indeed grew up.

"Aliya, Yasir," Eshan said in stern voice. "No need to put it in the lost and found box. Just throw it in the garbage."

My eyes fell on the bag. I was shocked. It was my hang bag . . . The handbag that I left in the washroom by mistake.

"But Eshan, this handbag is somebody's . . ." Yasir began.

"You mean this garbage?" Eshan asked as he looked at the bag. "Only cheap people like that can afford bags like that. No need to give this to lost and found place."

I was shocked.

I couldn't believe the way Eshan was talking.

This was not the Eshan that I knew.

The Eshan that was in front of me was rude.

The Eshan that I knew was 5 years ago was kind and understanding.

How did Eshan changed so much?

"Throw the bag away," Eshan sighed.

I had to stop this.

"Wait!" I said. "It is my handbag-"

Eshan looked at me, angrily. "You are still here?" Eshan yelled.

"It is my bag and I came to get it," I said. "There is nothing wrong with it!"

"Of course not!" Eshan fakely laughed. "I should have understood that somebody with no common sense and cheap mind like you can do something this irresponsible. You even bumped into me and made my expensive suit dirty!"

I shook my head.

"Do you have any idea how much did my suit cost?!" Eshan exclaimed. "Forget about price! You freaking got bumped into me when I was do interviews in front of the media! Like, what was your point?! Did you wanted to be in the media so badly that you walked and got bumped into me?! Useless people!"

I bit my lip as I felt tears rolled down my eyes.

I just got bumped into Eshan by mistake.

It was just a bump!

Eshan was making a big deal out of it and was humiliating me in front of media.


"Sometimes, I wonder how do people like you even get passport and visa to come to U.S.A.," Eshan sighed as he began to walk away. "Just useless and worthless."

The media kept following him and taking his photos.

I was left standing there all alone, feeling embarrased.

Can people really change this much in just 5 years?

"Excuse me," I heard a soft voice.

I quickly whipped my tears and looked up and saw Aliya.

She was looking at me with sad smile. "I am sorry for Eshan's behavior. He was never like this before . .  ," she paused and looked at me. "Here is your bag."

I nodded and took the handbag from her.

Yasir came closer to Aliya and whispered something in her ears. She nodded and both smiled at me.

"We have to go now," Yasir said. "I apologize for my brother's behavior."

I nodded.

Well, at least I know that Yasir and Aliya were being raised well.

"We are staying in Mandarin Louis Hotel for few weeks so please," Aliya smiled. "If you ever come around that hotel and see us, please do stop by. I would like to apologize formally."

Wait . . .

"Mandarin Louis Hotel?"

Aliya and Yasir nodded and smiled. Then they began to walk away leaving me there.

I couldn't say anything.

I was too shocked.

It was like I was getting shocked therapy today.

First, I get to know Eshan was coming to Miami.

Second, I meet Eshan and he insults in front of the media amd public.

Thirdly, I see my sister Aliya and my little Yasir who was a big boy now.

And now I got to know that Eshan is staying in the same hotel as me?!


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