Chapter 23: The Restless Dream

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Eshan's POV Continued . . .

I stared at the nose hoops. Closing my eyes I tried to remember all the women who I have met so far. Being a celebrity and having several interviews with medias, I have met several women.

But none of the women I have met so far had this unique design nose hoop.

I stared at the nose hoop more. Usually nose hoops would be just simple and plain with no designs on them. Even if there were designs, it would be just a stone sticking on it.

But this one was different.

The whole nose hoop was thin but had twisted rope shape design. The five tiny stones were attached together to made a very tiny star. The stones had gold designs around them.

It was a very critical design and looked extremely unique.

Maybe, it was custom made.

And if it was custom made then I could easily find out which jewelry shop custom made it.

I quickly took out my phone and snapped a picture of the nose hoop. Scrolling down the contact list, I saw my secretary's phone number.

I slide my finger on the message button and messaged him the photo of the nose hoop. Then pressing on the call button, I phone called him.



"Mr. Jatt, Aston speaking," I heard my secretary's voice.

"Aston, I just messaged you a picture of a nose hoop. I think it is custom made. Investigate who made the nose hoop and collect all the information of the customers who brought that design nose hoops," I ordered. "I need the information ASAP."

"I will try my best, Mr. Jatt," Aston said and hung up the phone.

I sighed and put my phone away.

Atleast, that will help me to trace on the woman who came to my room without my permission.

Whoever that woman is, once I find her, I would teach her a lesson for coming to my room without my permission!

But still . . .

I thought more about it. This nose hoop looked very familiar. I must have seen it somewhere.

But, where?

I rub my neck and closed my eyes. Suddenly a picture of Ms. Ifra popped into my eyes. I shot my eyes open immediately.

What the heck?

Since when did Mr. Ifra began to pop into my mind?

It had been a while that I even saw her or even talked to her. I still remembered our last conversation.

She was rude, arrogant and shameless.

I still couldn't believe that it was Ms. Ifra who arranged a doctor for me. Did she hate me?

I sighed again.

Why the heck am I even thinking of her?

I jumped in the bed and hugged the pillow there.

I shouldn't think about an unless cheap woman like Ms. Ifra. I should focus on what I dreamed of last night.

Even though it was sad that Sarah wasn't here with me, but her memories were.

I rolled in the bed and laid still. I remembered how everytime she appeared in my dream, it was always a nightmare. But yesterday . . . It was just . . . Magical . . .

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