Chapter 28: Eshan Saves the Day!

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I stared at the sharks in shock. There were about 4 sharks circling around us.

Fear built up in my chest.

I have heard about shark attacks before but I had never seen a shark this close.

The sharks looked hungry and were opening their mouth and closing them as if they were ready to eat us.

I looked around and there wasn't even a single boat or island or beach near us.

Allah, please save me!

I couldn't think of any way of escaping.

"Ahhhh!" I heard Nathan cry out loudly.

I turned around and saw a shark had his sharp teeth around Nathan's hand where I shot the bullet.

I crushed myself mentally.

Gosh! How could I forget?!

Sharks never attack people if they are not hungry but if sharks smells blood, they would attack them for sure!

That's how it works with sharks. Sharks finds their prey through electroreception, sensing the electric fields that are generated by all humans due to the activity of their nerves and muscles. Even a small trace of blood or cuts could attract sharks!

I shouldn't have shoot the bullet on Nathan!

I looked at Nathan and saw him throwing up his arms on the water to stay in the surface, but he couldn't! Another shark had his legs on it's mouth, pulling Nathan down the water.

"HELP!" Nathan cried out as the sharks pulled him down the water.

I saw the shark beside me which opened it's big mouth and I swam back before it could bite me. I begin to swim faster as the sharks behind me followed me.

Oh, Allah!

What should I do now?!

I looked back and saw the shark was catching up to me.

I was panting and swimming.

No, this can't happen! I finally got my evidence! I need to make it out alive to get Waali in jail. I need to save myself.

I kept swimming and thought for a while.

The sharks were sensitive on their eyes and gills. I needed to attack there.

I suddenly took a turn back on the water and swim back and as I reached close to the shark, I used my legs to kick hard on the shark's gills.

The shark moved away a few good inches.


Now is my chance!

I need to get Nathan out of there so I can have him as an evidence!

I took a deep breath and swam deep under the water. I could see Nathan was struggling to get his wounded hand and legs out of the sharks mouth but it was too late.

The sharks were moving their teeth and were tearing his flesh from his legs and hand.

I swam deeper and used my legs to hit the shark's eye which had his mouth on Nathan's hand. The shark let go immediately and repealed back. I pulled Nathan and kicked the shark's gill that was holding onto Nathan's legs.

The shark moved back but this time, it swam back to me immediately and used it's sharp teeth to press against my shoulder.

I gasped in pain and opened my mouth, filling the water flowing inside my mouth.

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