Chapter 14: The Deal

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I was sitting on my chair in the C.E.O.'s cabin and was waiting for Waali.

I was sure that after hearing an investment of $20,000 in the first deal, Waali wouldn't be able to stop himself from coming here to make the deal.

I looked at the clock.

It was 8:00 PM.

It was honestly late. I asked Waali to meet me for supper but he was late.

I was getting a little tensed but I knew Waali would come to make the deal.

I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," I said.

The door opened as a man wearing a business suit with a slightly grey hair entered in the room. His face had a few wrinkles and he was wearing glasses.

That person was Waali.

5 years had really changed Waali but he was the same person.

"Hello Mr. Waali," I said as I put one leg on top of another and leaned on my chair. "I knew you would come."

Waali didn't say anything but had a mecivious smile. "I was curious to know who was the woman who knew so much about me that she phone called one of my man and informed him about drugs. I thought I kept my business private."

I laughed as Waali sat on the chair across the desk. "Mr. Waali, I am a business woman. I have to know these things in order to be involved and make money."

Waali didn't say anything.

"Please have a seat," I offered.

Waali sat in his chair across me.

"Any coffee or tea?" I asked.

"No but I would love to know the reason why you wanted to see me," Waali said.

I nodded. "Mr. Waali, for me, money is everything," I said as put my hands on the desk. "I have a lot of information about a lot of drug dealer mafias' like you. In fact, I have even did a few deals with those drug dealers."

"You are involved in drugs even after having these high economical businesses?" Waali asked.

I smirked. "Mr. Waali, I love money. Whatever I get from these hotels are never enough. The more the better."

Waali laughed. "Well said," he hesitated. "Sorry, I didn't get your name."

"Ifra," I said. "Call me Ifra, Mr. Waali."

Waali nodded. "I have to say though, you are brave enough to call one to the most dangerous gangster leader to make a deal."

I smirked. "Playing with danger is my hobby, Mr. Waali. Plus, I heard that a lot of men from your gang are getting arrested. Lot of news are saying it. I am sure that I can help you to gain your power and money back."

Waali leaned on his chair. "And, why would you do that? Why would an unknown girl like you help me?"

"For money," I  answered. "Mr. Waali, my hotel is a few minutes away from the beach. From the drug dealers that I worked with in the past, I know some drug dealers would trade drugs inside fishes. I think you do the same thing."

Waali nodded. "So?"

"My hotel is few minutes away from the beach. Every week, I import trillion fishes from the sea from the fishermen for my hotel. If you want, you can have your men disguised as fishermen and fill the fishes with drugs. My workers will pick those fishes from you every week and once the drugs reaches to me, your money will be automatically transferred in your bank," I explained. "I am here to trade, Mr. Waali."

A smile formed in Waali's face. "Nice plan but how can I trust you?"

"Mr. Waali, no business works without trust," I said. "I am making a trade here. It's you who is in danger. I am just offering to help you and to make trade."

Waali thought for few minutes. "How much are you planning to spent?"

"Mr. Waali, I will be spending a little amount of $20,000 right now," I said. "If I like the first dose, I will be ordering again and again. Each time, the money will double up."

Waali nodded. "Sounds good. So, I will prepare the drugs for you tomorrow. You can come and-"

"My assistant is going to go, Mr. Waali," I said and leaned on the chair. "My assistant will go and bring the fishes from your men which will be filled with drug. Once I get my drugs, $20, 000 will be shifted to your account. Just message me your account number from the number I phone called before."

Waali nodded. "It's a deal then," he said as he got off the chair. "I will be expecting to get $40, 000 of your next order. I am sure you will repurchase because we produce our own drugs from our own factories. It is the highest quality."

I nodded. "Of course. I have heard a lot about you."

Waali laughed and stood up. "I am glad. So with this deal, I can consider ourselves to be friends?"

I smirked.


That's what I wanted.

"Friends," I smiled as I stood up as well.

Waali nodded. "I will be going now," he said. "We will keep in touch."

I nodded. "Good night," I smiled.

Waali nodded and began to walk towards the door. He unlocked the door and got out.

I sighed as I sat on my chair.


This was going how I planned.

Waali just stepped on the first trap that I had set for him.

We just became friends.

It wouldn't take me much time to to get close to him and know about his whereabouts.

I smirked.

Soon Waali . . .

Your game will be over soon . . .

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