Chapter 21: Continuing the Plan

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I shot my eyes open when I heard a notification sound from my phone. Being an FBI agent and working in several cases, I was always very alert about things. Even when I was sleeping, it was a light sleep.

I looked around and noticed that I was sitting on the bed and leading in the bed headboard. Eshan was lying on the bed beside me. He was holding my hand and was sleeping in his pajamas.

I looked at the wall clock and noticed that it was 4:00 AM.

Did I really fell asleep while I was taking care of Eshan last night?

I leaned near Eshan and touched his forehead.

His forhead wasn't as hot was last night. The temperature did went down.

Last night, I was nursing him. I was putting ice packs on his forehead. I even feed him medicine every two hours.

Fortunately, his fever went down.

I sighed in relief.

Alhamdulillah. Thank God that Eshan is okay now.

I got off the bed and took the cellphone with  me. I checked on my phone screen and saw several messages and phone calls from Nabil and Eugene.

It must be about the case.

I needed to contact Nabil and Eugene anyway. Eshan seemed to be okay so I should just go to my suite now and focus on the case.

Plus, I need to go to my suite to see my babies.

I put on my hibaj quietly and slide my phone inside my pocket. Then I took a piece of paper from the drawer and wrote a fake doctor's note.

"This should do the trick," I said as I finished writing the fake doctor's note

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"This should do the trick," I said as I finished writing the fake doctor's note.

I mean, I don't go to hospital often but usually doctor's handwriting is messy so I am guessing this would be okay.

I even came up with a fake doctor's name. With this note, Eshan would definitely think that he was dreaming last night and it was a doctor who took care of him last night.

Not me.

I put the note on the night stand beside his bed and put a paper weight on top of it.

I sighed.

"Well now," I turned to Eshan. "I have to leave now, Eshan."

I knew Eshan was sleeping so I bend down and placed a soft tender kiss on his forehead.

"Stop making me worried, Eshan," I whispered and run my finger on his hair. "Take care of yourself and be good."

I pulled away from him and before I got any more emotional. I had to focus on the case. This feelings and emotions can wait. If I want to come back to Eshan, I need to work on this case.

Only then, I can be back with Ehsan and live a happy life without Waali and Eshan's grandfather getting in our way and harming us.

I quickly left Eshan's suite and locked the door. Making sure that nobody saw me, I hopped in the elevator. I knew there were CCTV footage but I didn't have to worry about it. I was the CEO here and if anybody wanted to see it, I won't give the permission.

The elevator went down to the second floor. I got out of the elevator and rushed to my suite and went inside the suite.

I saw Eugene sitting in the living room and sleeping.

Why was Eugene here?

I was confused. I went to the kids' room and saw the kids lying in their beds and sleeping. Seeing the twins safe, I sighed in relief.

I guess Eugene came to drop the twins here but I wasn't here so he just stayed over.

I looked at my phone and saw a few new messages. All were from Nabil.

I went to my room and closed the door. Goinging thought the contact lists, I phone called Nabil.

Nabil picked up the phone call immediately. "Hello Sarah?" He asked. "Where were you? I kept phone calling you and massaging you but you didn't respond."

"Relax Nabil," I said as I sat on the study table. "I went to see Eshan-"

"You told Eshan?!" I could hear Nabil screaming.

"No," I answered. "Eshan was sick. I was taking care of him. I am sure that he would think of it as a dream when he wakes up."

Nabil sighed in relief. "I am glad. But Sarah, we have send a few undercover cops to disguise as hotel customers. I have explained you everything. Eugene knows about it as well. Everything should go like our plan."

I nodded. "I will message the room number to Waali right now. Waali's men or Waali can come to those suits to get the money. Did you ordered the undercover cops to not to take any action?"

"Yes," Nabil answered. "I have only told the under cover cops to take Waali's finger prints. We will have a CCT camera inside those suites to get a video footage of the smuggling as well."

"With this trap, we will be one step closer on putting Waali in Jail."

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