Prologue: The New Beginning

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I leaned near the washroom comot and vomited again. I flushed the toilet and went to the sink and flashed water on my face and washed my hands.

My throat was hurting at this point. It was my 5th time throwing up this morning and I hated it.

I just came back from the hospital this month and I thought I was finally getting well. Infact, I was getting well. I  could walk, run and do all the things I used to do before the accident . . .

I closed my eyes as I remembered what had happened before. I remembered everything about how I fell off the cliff and how Waali got away.

I looked at my hands. I could still remember how Eshan was holding on my hands when I was falling off the cliff.

Eshan . . .

Tears rolled down my eyes as I remembered Eshan. I remembered how  he was looking at me and begging me to not to let go of his hands.

I put my hands on my mouth and sobbed out. It felt like somebody was stabbing on my heart. Every time I would remember about Eshan, I would get the urge to go to him and tell him that I was alive.

I wanted to go meet Eshan, but I knew that wouldn't be the right decision.

I remembered what Nabil had told me before.

There was somebody in Eshan's family who was working for Waali. The moment that person would know that I was alive, that person could try to hurt Eshan and me again.

And this time, it was not only Eshan and me who was at risk.

I ran my hands down to my lower stomach. I could feel more rears rolling down my eyes.

The risk was not only on Eshan and me. The risk involved this little one as well.

It had been a week since I was noticing the difference between my weight and moods. I did a test to confirm if I was actually pregnant but I am 95% confirmed in my mind that there is a life growing in me.

I rubbed my belly and faintly smiled.

No matter what happens, I couldn't take risk with this little one.

Moreover, I recently wrote the written entrance exam for the F.B.I. Agency and the result should be coming by mail today.

I had decided to join F.B.I. to work for justice and to find Waali. I couldn't take the risk on going back to Eshan jn this state and thinking of fighting with Waali.

It was too risky.

But, I hoped that I got accept in the Agency. I really needed a job. I was staying in Nabil's house with his family and I wasn't feeling good on being a burden to Nabil and his wife.

I sighed.

Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door.

"Sarah!" I heard a voice coming outside of the door.

I knew who it was.

I got out of the washroom as I whipped my tears. "Come in, Nabil," I said.

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