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Sally: Jeff, here's your knife! *gives him knife that looks like picture*


Raven: Dares and questions! From abby: "Mist were you born with the powers or did you get them at a certain age?"


Me: I got them when I was thirteen.

Raven: her second one is "You have to choose three other people to spend the last day on earth with. You have two minutes. Timer starts in five seconds after I stop speaking."

*five seconds pass*

Jeff: *grabs my arm*

Me: *(O_o)*

Alice: Uhhhhhhhhhh.....

Emily: *grabs L.J's arm and runs over to me and Jeff* We have a group now.... *out of breath*

Deathsfire: Raven and Scourge! *has taken Ticci Toby captive*

Raven: *pulls Scourge over to Deathsfire*

Slenderman: *grabs Masky and Hoodie with tentacles*

Shafira: *has death grip on Death's arm lol*

E.J: *grabs Alice*

Cheshire Cat: *is sitting next to Alice, who is standing*

Johnny: I'm not choosing anyone!

BEN: *has stole Sally's bear*

Sally: *glaring at him*

*Bloody Mary appears next to Slenderman*

Squee: *is holding Johnny's hand* (He's seven okay)

*two minutes are up now!*

Raven: Oh, and she says, "This will be who you are with in my upcoming dare... *laughs*" Oh, now DWolfTheOriginal says, "I dare E.J. and Jeff to recreate the Barbie Girl music video by Aqua(?)"

Jeff: *O_O* NO. NO. NO. NO. IM NOT DOING IT. BYE. *leaves*

E.J: *sighs in relief*

Raven: We need Jeff back for Magicsox's question!

Me: I'll go get him! *leaves*

*thirty minutes later*

Me: *comes back with a very grumpy Jeff on a chain* *little kid voice cause I'm hyper* He's a doggie!

Death: Let him go.

Me: *groans* Okay... *the chain around Jeff's neck disappears*

Raven: Her question is: "jeff you always smile. WHY ARE YOU HAPPY! ? Because we all know IM the happy one. ^-^"

Jeff: IM NOT HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Raven: TheRandomHufflepuff: "-gives Sally an adorable turtle- :3"

Sally: THANKIES!!!

E.J: Really? (; ̄ェ ̄)

Sally: Shut up! *turns around and gives E.J the middle finger*

E.J: *(O_O)* Where did you learn that?!?

Sally: Jeff!

Jeff: !(◎_◎;) I did not teach her that!!! I am innocent!

Me: *sarcastically* Yeah Jeffery Woods, you are totally innocent.

Jeff: Shut up! *gives me the middle finger*

Me: You shut up! *gives him two middle fingers than chains come out of my wrists and make two other hands that are giving Jeff the middle finger*

L.J: Can you people stop? You're ruining poor Sally's innocence!

Sally: Oh I think I lost that long ago.

L.J: Wait what?!? *O-O*

Sally: You people gave me full internet access.

L.J: Oh yeah...

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