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"That's all gentlemen, I hope that you all think about it and let me know about your decisions" Namjoon said ending his meeting, which he had been in for almost 2 hours now.

He really wanted people to support his this idea after all, it was his dream project for which he had been working for so long. "My secretary here will show you the way out. Feel free to contact me any time and thank you all for coming" he said bowing down a little as a sign of respect. The people in the room bowed down as well and started walking out of the room where his secretary stood by the door, thanking them.

As soon as the room was empty, Namjoon plopped on the chair huffing and loosening his tie, "Those were the most horrible 2 hours of my life. My legs are numb from standing for so long, oh my god" He complained tiredly.

Hoseok chuckled at him, who knew that the most successful businessman was in fact a whiny baby, "Oh, quit whining. You're talking as if it is the first time that you stood for so long, do I need to remind you about the other times?" He asked teasingly.

Hoseok was the only person in the whole company who could tease or talk to Namjoon informally. They were friends since they were in diapers. No one in the company even dared to look at him or in his eyes directly but only Hoseok could.

Namjoon always had an extremely intimidating aura around him, which automatically compelled the opposite person to be intimidated by his presence, though Namjoon never spoke harshly to any of his staff. He always respected and rewarded them whenever he could.

"Shut up. You don't need to mention about it right now" he replied with an eye roll making Hoseok laugh silently at the man-child in front of him.

They both were best friends from their childhood days, always stuck hip-to-hip together and had been there for each other whenever they could. They were more like brothers-from-different-mothers kind of friends, who trusted each other with all their hearts.

When Hoseok had lost his old job as a dance instructor in a company, which was his only dream and passion, he tried to hide his worries and sadness with his cheerful nature but Namjoon saw through it. He noticed how forced his smiles and his laugh were, he didn't talk about it knowing that Hobi hated getting pity or sympathy from anyone but it was killing him, seeing his best friend in such a state. He had always wanted Hoseok to work with him and seeing the current situation they were in, he took the opportunity and offered him the job of his secretary.

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