End of the D-Day!

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Slightly disturbing scenes ahead. Contains extreme angst, action and gore.

Namjoon was bleeding from his back and a few more places, but the pain didn't bother him, instead it was giving him the zeal to get the revenge for everything that happened years back. Soo Hyun looked scared, being held by Yoongi but there was a different emotion in his eyes which was contradicting his expression.

Namjoon knew, the man had something going on his head or else he was a strong man to not fight back and let himself get caught. Namjoon smirked at him, "Let him go Suga" he ordered, confusing Yoongi and Soo Hyun. Namjoon wanted to see what was the man going to do. Soo hyun was confused and looked at Namjoon with a raised eyebrow, "What about your revenge?" He asked.

Namjoon stepped back with the same smirk, subtly asking Yoongi to get back as well. "Oh, don't worry about that. I will get it by the end of night" he said looking into his eyes. Soo hyun gave a sinister smile and ran towards Namjoon, who was expecting something like that. The men broke out in the most violent fight, forcing everyone to gather in a corner.

Jin was more than worried to see Namjoon turn into a monster but low key he was also slightly aroused seeing his muscles and hot body. Namjoon was breaking stuff on Soo Hyun while the said man was busy trying to tackle him down to ground. It wasn't any simple fight but more like those of alpha wolves, fighting to show their dominance.

The men halted with heavy pants and bloody hands. Soo Hyun said in the raspy voice, "I must tell, you've gotten much better than the last time" and Namjoon countered, "You haven't changed a bit. Still a fucking coward". Soo hyun laughed slightly, "Yet I seem to be winning" he said mockingly. Soo hyun sighed and walked to a chair.

He sat down making Namjoon angry, he took a deep breath and said "You know, I've a surprise for you" he said feeling pain in his body and clapped his hands. The door opened and an unexpected person walked in, surprising everyone. "Turn around and take a look" Soo hyun said spitting blood from his mouth.

Namjoon suspiciously turned around and saw Ami coming in with Jia. Jia looked extremely scared, holding tightly on Ami's shirt, while Ami was no better than Jia, was somewhat scared and worried. Namjoon heard Jin shout, "JIA!" he exclaimed loudly. More guards started pouring in and pushed the group to the corner.

Jin was struggling to get past the guards and go to Ami but she herself was trying to stay away. It confused Jin and was pulled back by Tae who shook his head and showed him Jia. Jin frowned and carefully observed Jia, who had a strange collar around her neck and few lights blinking on it. He didn't know what it was and asked Tae.

"She has a bomb around her neck Jin, she moves, she dies" he said making everyone except Yoongi's eyes go wide. Ami looked at them with swollen red eyes, showing that she had cried. Jia whimpered and hid her face in Ami's neck, who softly rubbed her back. Namjoon was frozen to see Jia, his child in the room with a bomb attached.

Soo hyun enjoyed the look of horror on Namjoon's face, "That's not all, I still have more" he said and a limp body of Hoseok was brought in. It looked like he was beaten till death, his hands were covered in bruises, his face was unrecognizable. Namjoon let out a shaky breath seeing his best friend in such a state.

Yoongi growled and forcefully pushed past the guards and knelt down to check on Hobi. "Jung Hoseok, wake up. Yah! You loud sunshine, wake up" he said shaking him. Ami sobbed inaudibly, unable to see her lover and put her head down. Namjoon couldn't take his eyes off and heard Soo Hyun speak, "I guess that was too much. Well, I'll cut you some slack" he said in a small voice.

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