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Jimin and Yoongi left to their rooms after checking on the maknae, who had calmed down after a panic attack. Jimin was disturbed seeing kook in such a vulnerable condition, he kept blaming himself for his condition, he should've left early when they realized that he was gone for long instead of assuming things.

He didn't realize that he was crying until he felt a hand wiping his tears away and caressing him delicately, the touch that was tattooed in his mind forever. He didn't lift his head up and threw himself in the embrace of his boyfriend. "I'm s-so so-sorry. It w-was al-ll my fa-fault, I sh-shouldn't h-have be-been so ca-careless".

Yoongi didn't understand why was Jimin blaming himself, he was confused by his boyfriend's accusation on himself. He simply tightened his arms around him and let his boyfriend put his emotions out. He patiently waited for his boyfriend to calm down and then ask about the whole situation.

When Jimin calmed down from his mental breakdown earlier, Yoongi gave him a glass of water which he thankfully gulped down. Once he was calm and settled, Yoongi cautiously began, "Minnie, can you tell me from the beginning what happened at the mall?" He asked in an ensuring and a comforting voice.

Jimin looked in Yoongi's eyes for a moment and found comfort in his boyfriend's eyes which made him even more at ease. Jimin licked his lips and nodded his head, Yoongi smiled a little, pecking his lips he brought Jimin to his laps. They both got comfortable on the bed and finally Jimin started.

He narrated everything that happened at the mall, broke down crying several times in between, thinking about the condition that they found Jungkook in. Yoongi didn't let his tears fall freely but he was shattered, never in his dreams he could assume the pain his bunny boy was going through.

Yoongi heard all of it and hugged Jimin ensuringly, "It's not your fault Jimin. We all know how he goes wandering all the time, he's a curious boy. I know that the situation was different but that doesn't mean you'd know about it. It was all those bastards faults, if anything then they are the ones to be blamed. Stop beating yourself up for something you didn't do baby".

Jimin was thankful for having such an understanding man in his life. He reached towards his face and kissed him passionately, it wasn't all sloppy and hurried. It was slow and full of love, that they felt for each other. Yoongi deepened the kiss tilting his neck. They both broke away after sometime, breathing heavily due to lack of air.

"I love you, so much. I don't know what did I ever do to deserve you in my life" Jimin said sweetly looking at Yoongi with an expression that made Yoongi loose his mind. Yoongi bought his hand to his cheek and whispered lovingly, "You being born was what you did to deserve me. I don't think if my life would have any meaning without you in it. So thank you, thank you for coming in my life Park Jimin"

Jimin's cheeks flushed, hearing his boyfriend. He started giggling, which made a smile appear on Yoongis face, "Why are you laughing baby?" Jimin looked at him, "Who knew the mighty Min Yoongi is such a romantic man" he asked teasingly. Yoongi rolled his eyes playfully, "What problem do you have with that? I can do everything and be anything for my boyfriend. So shut up".

"You're boyfriend is a lucky man"  Jimin said playing along, Yoongi shook his head and said, "No, I'm a lucky man to have him in my life" Jimin couldn't help but kiss him again. That night, they both laid in each other's warm embrace, confessing their feelings that made them all happy and giddy. "What a beautiful way to end a day" they both thought, drifting to sleep.

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