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The whole room went silent when Yoongi showed his expensive gummy smile to Jia, without being his usual grumpy self. "How do you know her?" Jin asked confused, seeing Yoongi go all soft and mushy over a baby, whom he had seen for the first time.

Yoongi mentally panicked, he flowed deep into his emotions and reacted out of his mind, realizing that he dug a grave for himself, but kept a blank face. The only thing that he could think to save himself was to, 'Ignore the questions' thrown at him, which he boldly did.

His ignorance made Jin furious, not caring about his friend's 'swag' he hit Yoongi on the back of his head, making him wince and the baby to laugh at him. Jin's attention diverted towards the laughing baby and Yoongi never felt so happy at being hit by someone before.

Seeing Jia laugh happily, Jin smiled lovingly at her, completely forgetting his detective role. Namjoon, who had stepped out to sort the papers, was welcomed by the most heart warming scene he had ever seen, his child and lover, looking breathtaking with their prettiest smiles.

He felt peace, seeing the important people of life in front of him happy. He wanted more moments like these to happen, where both keep smiling beautifully. As much as he wanted to watch them smile forever, he knew he had to tell Jin about Jia before it's too late and loose him.

It didn't feel right to keep Jin in dark about Jia anymore, after what happened today. He deserved to know the truth and it was decided that he would tell Jin everything. There was a lot on stake, he could loose Jin forever and Jia's identity could leak out, but he was ready to take the risk for them.

He nervously sighed and walked towards Jin, who was unaware of his presence but as he stepped towards them, Jin grew tensed under his stare. Frowning, he thought maybe it was due to his sudden appearance and shrugged it off, not paying any attention to it.

He leaned down, close to Jin's face and saw his eyes grow wide, his warm breathe on his face, he smirked to himself at the effect he had on him. He moved side ways to peck Jia, who was staring at him, still eying Jin the whole time. He took Jia from Jin and saw him breathe out heavily.

He stared at his flushed face with a smug smile but didn't comment at it. Unaware of the hurting man, he hurt him again. Jin felt played, when Namjoon leaned close just to tease him. He thought of Jia's mother out there, waiting for her family, which brought him back to the reality.

He stepped back and looked around, avoiding Namjoon's teasing gaze. Yoongi saw Jin getting all nervous and frowned, 'He was never uncomfortable around Joon. Then why is being all nervous now?' He thought observing him. Not wanting to make it look suspicious, he pulled Jin towards him.

Jin gasped and looked at Yoongi, who was stood close to him, holding his hand comfortingly. He shot him a look of gratefulness with a small smile and looked at Joon, who was petting tired Jia to sleep. His gaze softened seeing the baby lying on him, yawning.

She nuzzled her face in his chest trying to get comfortable but kept whining the whole time. Jin thought it was because of all the murmuring around them and asked everyone to leave and let Jia sleep. Namjoon didn't notice anyone leaving the room, busy trying to calm her down.

The two maknaes pleaded with wide eyes to let them stay with her but Jin pulled them out by their ears and shut the door lightly. He sighed, feeling heavy burden lifted away from his shoulders, being away from Namjoon and sat down next to Jimin, who looked at him worriedly.

"You don't look good hyung. Are you alright?" He asked softly. Jin nodded his head and put his head on the head rest, "Yes Jiminie, I'm fine. It's just a little headache from the morning" he answered briefly, closing his eyes to rest his hurting head. Jimin nodded silently and began massaging Jin's head.

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