A Frenemy?

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The guy who was following them from their home town, had followed Tae to the bar and sat watching him getting drunk, he smirked, "These fuckers can't even handle a little pain and they still hurt others" he scoffed, gritting his teeth.

He did nothing but simply sat their in the corner, enjoying the mess Tae was getting himself into. He was there on a mission and was silently working on it. Clicking his random pictures, videos of him talking and his every little action was being observed by him.

He frowned when a man, elder to Tae, talked to him like he knew him for years. But, they didn't look close enough, judging by Tae's response. The man thought it wasn't necessary to collect information about someone who wasn't in this.

He saw the man talking to the bartenders, who in his opinions were stupid kids, paid the amount for the alcohol that Tae had drowned himself in and dragged him out of the bar, who was trying to fight him off. He frowned seeing them leave.

He wanted to follow them to make up for the mistake that he did, by not clicking his pictures but not to get any attention or make anyone suspicious, he stayed in the bar drinking for 15 more mins before dashing out of the bar, in the direction of the cottage.

The man, named Park Bogum kept dragging, fighting Tae to his car. It wasn't that he couldn't carry him but Tae gagged often, making him scared of getting spoiled by his puke. Not wanting to ruin his expensive clothing, he continued pulling Tae to his car.

Tae tried to get his hands off to go back to the bar, but the man's grip was getting tighter every time he tried to go away. He huffed, feeling light headed and tapped Bogum's shoulder, "Can you slow down? The world is spinning fast and I might fall" he complained drunkenly.

Bogum rolled his eyes but considered his request and slowed down a little, to match Tae's speed. He couldn't believe he got stuck in a situation where he was helping his biggest enemy from the past. He sighed softly, "Let's consider this as a payback for when he saved me".

Bogum mumbled lightly, eyeing Tae sideways with a little concern in his eyes. He wondered what got him to get drunk so early. In the past, the boy got drunk once, when 'That incident' happened. He was in lot of pain back then, but after that he never saw him close to alcohol.

He knew that in the past, their enmity was just professional and nothing personal but his jealous ass had to fight with him for no reason at all. If he could then he wish to go back in time and stop himself from loosing his  close friend who was his competition only for the world.

*FLASHBACK 3 years ago*

"What the hell is wrong with you? Can't you see how that boy is shining even after he joined this place a few months ago? But you're here from so many years and just wasting everyone's time and energy doing nothing. Do you think we signed you for this? In this industry flashlights and luxurious life aren't easy, if you want that life then you need to work hard" Bogum's manager yelled throwing Tae's magazines at him.

He frowned angrily seeing Tae look so magnificent on the cover page, deep inside he felt proud of his friend but the hurtful words that his manager spat at him, clouded his brain with jealousy to think straight. He crushed the page gritting his teeth, planning to destroy his image.

He smirked evilly when a plan formed in his head. The people around him, watched him with pity as he was getting scolded by the manager. They knew how hard he worked every day but that scum of a manager never acknowledged his struggle.

Park Bogum was in the industry from his early 20's and he was the one who introduced Tae to this. He and Tae were in the same college, Bogum had felt a brotherly love towards his cute friend and always was there for him whenever he could.

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