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Everyone were back to the mansion from hospital along with healthy and happy Jia. She was the happiest than she ever was in her life, with many people around her who ever dying to spend time with the little angel. She was now allowed to move freely in the whole house with no restrictions.

She was the naughtiest with Kook and Tae next to her, who were always playing with her. Being babied all the time, she loved all the attention she received and would scream if got none. Jin was trying not to let her get spoiled but he didn't have the heart to stop her, seeing her smile.

Jia was getting more and more attached to Jin with every passing day that, she would eat only when Jin would feed her. He wasn't complaining neither were anyone bothered seeing them get so attached to each other. In fact, everyone loved to see them together.

It was just a usual day, with everyone in the house doing their usual stuff like Yoongi sleeping, Ami busy with her work, Jimin, Jungkook and Tae playing around while Namjoon and Hobi were out working. Jin was bathing Jia in his room and it was a disaster.

She wasn't sweet like usual, she was  being very troublesome and uncontrollable. Jin tried to bribe her with everything that she was not often allowed to eat or do, but nothing worked. She kept splashing water on him and filled the bathroom with tons of bubbles and water all over the floor.

 She kept splashing water on him and filled the bathroom with tons of bubbles and water all over the floor

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Jin tried to get her dressed but she ran down to Jungkook and Tae, who thought it was fun to tease Jin. They ran around the whole house with Jin chasing them. Ami and Jimin were getting worried seeing Jin look so worn out that and tried to stop them, but they couldn't.

Having enough of it, Jin screamed, "JUST STOP IT" The three of them stopped dead in their tracks and looked at each other nervously, knowing they were now doomed. Jin walked to them, snatching Jia from Tae, he stood in front of the couch.

"Kim Taehyung and Kim Jungkook get your butts here, right now" he ordered sternly, placing scared Jia on the couch. Tae and Kook obediently followed and sat next to Jia with their heads down. Jungkook knew that Jin was furious, when he called him 'Kim' instead of 'Jeon'.

Tae and Kook were scared while Jia whimpered at his stern tone. She was used to the soft and caring side of Jin but the this angry side was scaring her. Jin stared them with angry eyes, watching them shiver. He wanted to stop but he knew that he had to control them.

The mansion turned ice cold, everyone biting their lips in worry seeing Jin raging. Namjoon and Hobi came back from the office and were surprised to see everyone standing in the corner watching the 3 guilty maknaes and an overly angry Jin.

Namjoon inquired with Yoongi, "What is going on?" Yoongi sighed sympathetically and explained him the whole thing, to which Namjoon nodded lightly, feeling bad for Jin to handle Jia. He walked to them and stood next to Jin with a blank face, "What did you guys do?" He asked in a dominant voice.

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