You and Me*

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The next morning, Namjoon was the first one to wake up. He opened his eyes and slowly blinked, trying to adjust to the light. He sighed and looked next to him, only to see a beautiful face sleeping on his arm with a little pout. He smiled, thinking about how lucky he was to have Jin in his life. His thoughts ran to the previous night and a big dimpled smile popped up.

"I love you" he whispered in his croaky voice, pressing a kiss on Jin's naked shoulder. Namjoon continued staring at Jin with love sick eyes and suddenly Jin opened his eyes, staring directly in Namjoon's eyes. Namjoon flashed a smile and Jin shot back a tired smile, cuddling close to Namjoon, who happily pulled him closer, soon realising that Jin fell asleep again.

Namjoon turned around to see the time and it was 11. Sighing, he tried to get up, wanting to get breakfast for Jin, knowing the poor man couldn't possibly walk after good 5 rounds of intense fucking. Namjoon knew he went overboard but how could he stop when Jin looked so fucked under him, moaning sinfully. He shook his head quickly, dismissing those thoughts.

Namjoon put on clothes and freshen up before he went to get breakfast. In 30 mins, Namjoon was all clean and headed down to the kitchen to get something to eat for Jin and himself. On his way, he stopped in his tracks when he heard few voices. With a confused frown, he walked to the place where the noises came from and stood shocked, "When the hell did you all return?" He asked with wide eyes.

Everyone stared at him with heavy bags under their eyes. Yoongi scoffed, "Why do you care?" He asked rudely but Namjoon ignored him and looked at everyone else to explain. When nobody talked he looked at Tae, "Why are you all here when I clearly told you NOT to come back home?" He asked slightly angry. Tae sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck with a nervous smile before glancing around.

The rest of them gave him a bored look and Tae sighed, "Yesterday, when you called, I couldn't hear you and before I could ask you to repeat, you had already cut the call. I tried to call you back but you didn't pick up" he trailed off watching Namjoon's eyes going wide with his every word. Tae looked down at his hands, ready to hear his brother yell at him.

Namjoon closed his eyes getting angry but controlled himself and asked, "When exactly did you come at night?" He stressed on the word 'When' wanting to know how much did he fuck up. Tae scrunched his eyes in thought, thinking about it when Kook answered, "It was 1 or 2, I guess" he slurred sleepily, with his eyes closed and Namjoon stood shocked.

Tae shuddered horribly, when he recalled about the horrible night.

Flashback to the previous night when they came Home.

"Tae, I wanted to enjoy. Why did you bring us back?" Ami whined a bit drunk, standing in Hobi's arms. Hoseok tried his best to keep Ami stable and not trip himself since the girl kept moving a lot. Jimin and Yoongi stood silent not understanding why was Tae so worried about Joon. Kook was clinging to Tae, scared of the darkness.

Tae huffed, "I couldn't hear what he said and when I tried to call back, that bitch did not pick up. What if there is something wrong? We have check on him" he explained, everyone stood a bit alerted. Tae cautiously opened the door and walked in, followed by everyone when they all heard Jin's loud screams and moans. They all gasped loudly, looking at each other.

"Quick, cover the baby's ears" Ami said now a bit sober than before and Jimin put his hands over Kook's ears making him pout. Yoongi immediately covered his ears getting questioning look from everyone. He frowned, "What? I'm a baby too" he said and the rest sighed in defeat. Tae gulped when Jin screamed, "Ugh, Harder daddy!" making everyone pale.

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