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Namjoon was in his office lost in deep thoughts, ignoring the work load that kept piling on and on and on (you see what I did there? No? Okay). His mind was racing in every direction trying to find a way out of the situation, about the whole vacation thing.

He didn't want to let them go from Seoul, but he also didn't want them to force to follow his commands. Sighing tiredly, he massaged his temples. He groaned, shutting his eyes for a bit, trying to lessen the headache from all the loud thoughts in his head.

Not really finding any peace to this issue, he started getting annoyed with every little thing around him. Unable to handle the stress anymore, he got up and dashed out of his office, collecting his phone, wallet and keys on his way, without informing Hoseok  about leaving.

He hurriedly walked, not wanting to answer anyone on his way, pushing past everyone to the parking lot and got in his car. Driving for an hour, he reached to the secluded area of Seoul, hidden far away from the city where he usually went to cool down. It was his secret place from everyone.

He sat down on the bench there and breathed in deeply, calming his racing mind

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He sat down on the bench there and breathed in deeply, calming his racing mind. He blankly stared in the front, not really thinking about anything particularly. He simply sat there watching the shining water, till the sun was about to set, not caring about anyone or anything.

Hoseok was pacing in Namjoon's office, loosing his mind on not finding him in his office. He was cursing his friend/boss for not telling him about his disappearance from the office and not returning till late night. But what got him worried was, Namjoon being totally out of reach.

He tried calling him continuously for few hours now but every time it was directed to his voice mail. Biting his nails in worry, worst cases started clouding his mind making him dizzy. 
He furiously shook his head and lightly slapped his face few times to clear those thoughts.

Clumsily, he got up on his wobbly feet and wrapped up everything that Namjoon had left scattered before disappearing to God knows where. He kept rummaging his brain for anything about his friend and rushed back home, to find a clue as to where the brainless CEO could be.

He drove to the house and carelessly parked the car, running inside to check for Namjoon. He ran breathlessly, to every room and corner of the house, hoping that he would find him but it was all in vain. He cursed loudly, feeling dejected on not finding him.

He ran his fingers through his messy hair, trying to think of the places Namjoon would go but nothing came to his mind. He thought of waiting for his return by himself by tonight or he would go to the police next morning. With this decision, he walked back to hall to see everyone worried.

He flashed them a weak smile and sat by Ami pulling her closer, which he often did when he needed some kind of comfort. Ami gladly hugged him back and massaging his tensed shoulders. She didn't ask for anything and just kept comforting him till the end.

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