Strangers !

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Namjoon stood by the window in his room, staring at nothing in particular. He had many thoughts running in his mind, he couldn't believe that his brothers had asked something that wasn't possible for him.

He wondered how could they ask about something when they knew how much it mattered to him. His chain of thoughts were broken by a knock on the door. He huffed a sigh, muttering "so much for some peace" and walked towards the door.

Tae and hobi recited every prayer they knew when they decided to talk to their brother. Joon had locked himself in his room since he left them at the table without a word.

They had been patiently waiting for him for an hour but when they realised that he wasn't gonna come, they mustered every ounce of courage in their body and decided to face him and force him to help them.

They knew, what they asked for was a big deal for Namjoon, but they really needed his help. Joon had never allowed anyone to stir changes in his life and suddenly letting people stay under a roof, with him was something unimaginable for him.

He was angry and sad at the same time. Angry that his brother and best friend had suggested one of his big weaknesses and sad that he couldn't help them, even if he wanted to.

He opened the door to see the pale faces, full of fear and desperation. He wanted to laugh at them, so bad but his anger at the moment stopped him from doing so. "H-hey, can w-we talk. P-please?" Tae croaked out stuttering a little while hobi had tightly fisted Tae's shirt in both of his hands sweating buckets.

He looked at them with emotionless eyes and slowly nodded stepping back a little to allow them in. "Uh, uhm we wanted to check if you were alright" hobi whispered, slowly looking up to meet Joon's eyes, after 15 mins of dreading silence.

Joon didn't reply to the question, he just stared at them with cold eyes. Having too much of the tense atmosphere, Tae decided to break the ice, "Look Joon, we know that this matter is really sensitive for you but please, can you once try to face your weakness? I mean they won't even know about it unless anyone of us tell them about it, something that we would never ever dare to do, so why are you against it?" Tae asked in a firm tone yet with a soft expression. He didn't want to offend the angry man than he already was.

"You know what you're asking for is a threat to us. If at all your so called celebrity friends know about it and decide to tell the world about it then I'll be doomed. You know how much it means to me. I work hard every day and night only to make sure that nothing goes wrong for us in the future and you, out of all the people, you want me to let my hard work go in vain? I'm sorry but I'm not gonna let the things crumble in front of my eyes for which I worked my ass off" Joon yelled at the boys in front of him. He was seeing all red when he was asked to face something he wasn't ready for.

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