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An unknown man walked in the busy streets, covered in black hoodie and black pants highlighting him in the crowd, making people step away from him. He was busy talking to his boss on the phone, "Yes boss, they are leaving in few hours" he said in a low voice, not wanting to gain attention.

Even if someone heard him, he just flicked them off and continued giving the information to his boss. "Alright boss. I'll leave soon." He said checking around, "Yes, it's right, they are going to Hawaii. I don't know where they are planning to stay but I have it covered."

He soon ended the call, reached to his one bedroom apartment and packed his bag to leave for Hawaii, as per the plan. Before leaving, he stopped in front of a picture frame in his hall where a beautiful woman stood with a bright smile on her face.

He ran his thumb over her picture lightly, "I'm so sorry. I love you" he whispered, eyes full of tears. He pecked her picture and wiped his tears, ran out to catch his flight. No matter what, he had to get everything right and this was his only chance.

Not minding about the consequences of his selfish act, he proceeded to the airport and got the tickets where he would meet the people that he was supposed to keep an eye on. He had many things running in his mind but he focused on the plan.

"I'll see you soon Kim. Wait for me" he said smirking evilly at the thought of meeting the person that he wanted to meet for a such a long time. He chuckled at his not so nice thoughts and closed his eyes, soon drifting off to dreamland.


In the Kim mansion, everyone were ready to leave for the airport where Namjoon's jet was waiting for them. They were all down, waiting for Jimin who was late as usual. The maknae was whining the whole waiting for him to step down.

Feeling impatient, he yelled, "Oh my god, Jimin. Can you come out quickly?" he spat angrily. Jin glared at his rudeness but Jungkook ignored his glare and continued glaring at the steps from where Jimin was supposed to step down.

Soon the footsteps running down were heard, making Jungkook huff in relief, "Finally" he whispered rolling his eyes. "I'm sorry, let's go" Jimin said panting in between from rushing down. Jin gave him a smile and walked out.

Everyone tumbled in the cars, one which Namjoon was driving and the other one Hoseok was driving. Jimin, Yoongi and Ami were in Hobi's car while Jin, Jia, Tae and kook were riding with Namjoon.

Jin cursed under his breath being stuck with Namjoon, especially when he looked so hot in his causal wear. He was trying hard not to let his mind run in the wrong direction but looking at his new style, made things very difficult for him.

 He was trying hard not to let his mind run in the wrong direction but looking at his new style, made things very difficult for him

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Things weren't easy for Namjoon as well. He literally drooled seeing Jin in glasses and stared at him with open mouth, until he was nudged harshly by Tae. He looked down and sighed in relief that he didn't get a boner or else he would've died from embarrassment.

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