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Namjoon, Yoongi and Hobi gulped loudly, looking at the furious faces of Jin, Jimin and Ami. Jungkook stared at Tae with a cute frown but Tae, coolly ignored his stare and waited for the drama to begin. Jackson and Mark looked at each other shrugging, not knowing what to do or what to say but the thick silence was extremely suffocating.

'Why is he glaring at me? He isn't even related to me, then why am I scared of his reaction?' Namjoon thought, secretly glancing at Jin's angry face from the corner of his eyes, every now and then. He then relaxed and sighed, understanding that he had nothing to explain to him or anyone.

This thought made his heart hurt, he wanted Jin to be worried for him and question him for hiding such stuff but then again, he wasn't even sure he was in a position to dream or expect anything about it. He slumped his shoulders in defeat and a heavy heart, thinking of his decisions he made few years ago.

He stood up and determinedly walked towards Jackson with a straight posture, who looked at him with surprise. "I, RM, accept your challenge. But I've my conditions for the battle. Do you wanna hear it?" He asked smirking. Jackson caught on with his idea and smirked back, nodding his head in approval.

"If I loose, I'll do anything you say but if I win, then you'll do as I ask. Deal?" He asked with a smug face, noticing that Jackson was hesitant about it. He felt Jin boring deep holes in his head by his glare but he shrugged it off, knowing that it was too late to back off now and waited patiently for Jackson to accept his deal.

Yoongi kept staring at the pair with his at most attention and stood up, "Even if I don't participate today, I'll have to answer the questions anyway, so I think I'll answer it after I show my skills and my famous tongue technology" he announced proudly, without even sparing Jimin a glance, leaving him open mouthed.

Hobi gulped, he felt pressured, he wanted to join his friends but he was also worried about Ami. He took a deep breath and stood up in a flash, "Me too, I love you Ami but I really want to do this" he said with a soft look, trying to convince his girlfriend. Ami could just stare at him with a puzzled look, Hobi gave her a sunshine smile and turned towards Jackson with a cold smirk.

It was like Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok's demeanor changed completely. They looked like a whole new person with a dangerous glint of 'do or die' in their eyes. To say that they were in the right headspace at the moment would be a complete lie, the 4 boys looked like wolves, ready to pounce and fight for their lives with every fiber in their bodies.

Jin was drooling at the sight of Namjoon being so hot. He shamelessly stared at his perfectly sculpted face, his perfectly muscled body, his veiny hands that he wanted to feel on his body, his messily pushed back hair that he kept running his hands into and the hot smirk that complimented his look was like a cheery on the top. He wanted to taste his lips so bad, he unconsciously muttered, "Damn, daddy".

Jimin and Ami looked at him with wide eyes, they were shocked to hear Jin talk so sinfully in public. Jimin had always seen Jin as a pure person for his whole life and hearing him say something like that, gave him goosebumps. "Daddy? Where is your daddy Jin hyung?" Jungkook asked loudly, innocently looking in the direction of his gaze where Namjoon stood, gaining everyone's attention.

Jin felt his face burning with embarrassment as everyone in the room looked at him with shock. He was frozen in his place, with red face and wide eyes, trying to avoid to look at Namjoon, he looked at everyone except him, "I didn't tell anything I swear. Why would I call someone daddy? That's just absurd, I swear on my handsome face that it wasn't me" he squeaked out quickly, defending himself.

Namjoon was smirking the whole time enjoying his flustered state, 'Cute' he thought, seeing Jin desperately lying. Jackson gave him a 'I told you so' look and winked at him. He decided to butt in and help the poor man, "It's okay Jin. We get that you didn't call Namjoon 'daddy' and definitely didn't drool over him, we also get that you don't like him and don't want to kiss-".

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