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It was two days after the conference and everybody were in the mansion chilling. Everything turned out good, the public started shipping Namjin, Jin's fan were hardcore shipping him with Namjoon, writing smuts of them, drawing their pictures together, writing fanfics (like me 😅). Namjoon got a good profit after the video was released in the news channels, making him successful.

Jia was the highlight of them all. She was trending on the social media since the day she was shown to the public. Many were in awe with her while some pitied her for the misfortune of being an orphan. Namjoon was furious and hurt when he read the articles of Jia being called an 'Orphan Princess', he was clear when he introduced Jia that she was his child, but people still went overboard.

Jin was hurt too, he loved Jia like his own child but calling Jia as orphan was like doubting his miraculously appeared parenting skills. He sucked it up and cheered Namjoon, knowing he was having a hard time because of those stupid articles. Now, even if the majority of people supported them, there were a few people, which highly opposed them being a couple and Jia being their child.

They started spreading hate against Namjoon and Jin, calling them offensive names, giving death threats to Jin, hate against Jia and much more. But ARMYs were always there to protect them, they forced their companies to provide protection to the couple while they took care of the haters. Namjoon suddenly after years felt the urge to rap and diss all the haters spreading hate against them and Jia.

Jin was being extremely sassy, he did the things which irked the haters more, getting a kick out of it. Namjoon was in disbelieve when he saw Jin's way of responding to the hate but he did acknowledge his way. Namjoon started taking Jia out more often and the baby was very happy. She liked being out and fussed when she was brought back home.

Namjoon understood her anxiety of being locked up and tried to stay out late with her. Jin noticed how Namjoon was struggling with his office work and taking care of Jia, so he offered to take care of her when he was busy and Namjoon never felt so thankful to anyone in his life. Over all, everything was going perfect for the couple and including Jia in their life, they couldn't ask for more.

Tae and Jungkook were the big kids of the house along with Jia, they both always irritated Jin, creating a mess in their rooms and the hall. The maids were there to clean up but Jin told them to do the other work and let Tae and Jungkook clean up after themselves. Jin felt like the mother of the rebellious teenage children, who never listened to him. Tae and Jungkook too were having the time of their lives, enjoying together.

Tae followed Namjoon's footsteps and told in an interview how he too found his special one, without really disclosing his identity. The whole industry was curious, the female models, along with a few male models were heartbroken when the heartthrob of the country was labelled as taken. Park Bogum was happy for Tae, he felt like he knew whom was he talking about.

He wanted to congratulate him personally but he shrugged that thought off, knowing that he had lost the right to talk to him after everything he did to him. Minjae smirked when he saw the news. He chuckled lightly, "Finally, the ship has sailed" he sing songed drinking his whiskey and wiped his tear, officially giving up on his one sided love.

He knew it would hurt but never knew that it would feel like death watching his crush confessing about being in a relationship with someone else. He closed his eyes and pictured a happy Tae with Jungkook and said, "That's right, they are meant to be together" with pain in his voice and bitter tears in his eyes.

Yoongi had started renovating the house that he and Jimin were going to move in. It wasn't needed but Yoongi wanted it to be good as new and got few changes done, wanting to surprise Jimin when it's ready. Jimin was excited to stay with Yoongi under the same roof. It already felt like they were married, going to move in the new house together as husbands. The thoughts were enough to make his body tingle in excitement.

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