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Jin stood awkwardly, not knowing how to respond to the sudden request for hug. He didn't mind hugging his fans but he had never hugged someone whose boyfriend was in front watching them. He nodded his head with a smile and moved closer to hug Chanyeol, but suddenly he was turned around and caught in someone's strong arms.

Shocked, would be an understatement  to what Jin felt the moment he recognized those strong arms. It was like his fate was playing with him, forcing his heart to go through rejection all over again. He snapped out of his shock and tried to move away but Namjoon tightened his hold, squeezing Jin.

"Keep your hands away from him, you pervert doctor" Namjoon hissed, glaring at Chanyeol who stared dumbfounded at them with open mouth. He looked at Baekhyun who stood calm, but was dying of laughter mentally, "Control your boyfriend Baek, go fuck him or something but ask him to stay away" Namjoon said, leaving Baekhyun gaping.

Baekhyun gasped, "Wh-? Yah! That's not how you talk to your elders you idiot. Learn to respect them, you were never like this. I thought Tae was a fool but, you're the biggest fool" he yelled with red face, while Chanyeol stared at him with lovesick puppy eyes. Tae was offended, "Eh? You thought I was a fool?" He asked glaring at Baekhyun.

Baekhyun gave him a sheepish smile, "No bub, you're my cutie pie. How can you be a fool?" He tried to melt Tae but he just hmped and looked away, making Baekhyun release a sigh of relief. He looked at Namjoon who still had his hands around Jin and smirked, "I never saw you hugging anyone this longer Joon" he teased, riling Namjoon even more.

It was getting a bit difficult to breathe for Jin and he tapped Namjoon's chest, "Let me go Joonie, I can't breathe" his muffled voice was enough to snap Namjoon out of his protective daze and let Jin move away, breathing harshly. He grew concerned at Jin's breathing and rubbed his back, "I'm sorry, are you alright?" He asked softly shocking Chanbaek couple.

Baekhyun was sure about Namjoon and grew concerned for his cousin. He didn't want them to get hurt but he also wanted them to be together. He looked at them pitifully, 'Oh, how I wish they always stay like this, happy and together but their fate is so cruel' he thought looking at their eyes which were filled with nothing but love for each other.

Jin nodded his head still breathing, both unconsciously holding each other's hands tightly. Jimin was glaring fire from his eyes at Namjoon, if it wasn't for Yoongi, who held him back or else Jimin would've killed Namjoon by now. Ami and Hoseok were confused as well, while Tae had the same thoughts like Baekhyun.

Everybody sighed inaudibly, finding the situation a bit sticky. The couple looked so in love and perfect together, but like every perfect fairytale there was a loophole around the corner, ready to destroy their happiness. No one saw the loophole approaching them but still, seeing the couple always filled their hearts with an ugly feeling everytime.

Baekhyun sighed sadly and cleared his throat, "Anyway, now about Jungkook-ssi. He's alright. Nothing to be worried about, just let him rest and give him lots of water. He can leave when he wakes up" Baekhyun announced, this time looking at the rest instead of Jin. Yoongi, Jimin and Tae sighed in relief while Ami and Hobi smiled widely hearing the doctor.

Soon enough Chanbaek couple left, after politely declining the offer to join them at the party, telling that had their night shifts and an important surgery, which made Jin let them go. Baekhyun felt bad for Jin, he was a nice person but got stuck with his shitty cousin, who had his share of monsters to fight with.

"You all go down first, I'll join you guys with Jungkook, when he wakes up" Jin suggested looking at everyone. Jimin was the first one to oppose, "No way, it's your party. If you don't show yourself then it'll be rude. So, you guys leave, I'll stay here" he said sitting next to Jungkook with Yoongi sticking to him.

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