D-Day 2

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When Namjoon opens the door where everyone are.

The scene inside made him freeze in his place. Everyone were inside, Jin, Jimin, Jungkook, Yoona, Chang Wook, Tae and Yoongi as well. Tae and Yoongi were forced to their knees while Jin and Jimin were tied to the chairs. Jungkook was held at the gun point while Chang Wook was standing in front of him with lifeless eyes.

Namjoon couldn't react due to the shock. He didn't know how and when did Yoongi and Tae get here. He felt betrayed but from Chang Wook's face it seemed like he himself was shocked. He was going to find out how did he catch his brothers. But for that he had to control his rising anger when he caught a glimpse of beaten Jin on the chair opposite to him.

"Welcome Kim Namjoon, we were all waiting for you" Kim Soo Hyun said gripping Chang Wook's shoulder, who looked dead. Namjoon gritted his teeth, he was very close to losing his sanity and kill everyone in the room but he still needed answers before he killed the man slowly and painfully. "Put your weapons down and walk inside" he was ordered and did as said.

"You obey my orders like a loyal dog, I'm impressed" Soo hyun said plainly. "Let them go Soo hyun, I'm here" Namjoon said in his deep voice making everyone shiver. He glanced at Yoongi and found him bleeding from his head, making him even more angrier. Tae looked at him with worried face, as if trying to hint him about something which he didn't understand.

Kim Soo hyun laughed evilly at his comment, "You know even your lover boy said the same thing. I'll tell you what I told him, why would I do that when I want you to feel every pain that I felt." He said with a darkness in his voice. He pushed Chang Wook away, stood directly in front of Namjoon, "Did you really think, I wouldn't know about your plans? I waited years to kill you Kim, you think I'll be unprepared?" he asked furious.

Namjoon didn't answer and smirked back watching the man grit his teeth. Soo hyun circled Namjoon slowly, "Never underestimate your enemies, seems like you forgot that. What did you think, teaming up with Chang Wook you can win? Life isn't easy and definitely not my revenge" with the last word he pulled Namjoon's hair making him wince.

Everyone in the room were shocked and looked scared for Namjoon but he was strong and determined. He was prepared to either kill or die. "You're and always were a coward. Always attacking from the back." Namjoon mocked Soo Hyun, who chuckled amusedly. He stood in front of Namjoon and raised his hand to punch.

The punch never came, Chang Wook held Soo hyun's hand and Namjoon was faster in punching him. Soo Hyun stumbled back holding his nose and before he could attack, Namjoon already punched his stomach. Namjoon continuously kept hitting Soo Hyun in a trance, but was broken from it when he heard a loud cry.

He looked up and saw a man choking Jin and Chang Wook was getting hit by the guards, the others trying to yell at him to stop. Soo Hyun chuckled, showing his bloody teeth and said, "Like I said, I wouldn't loose this time" with that he hit Namjoon with his head making him fall back, but he got up again and glared at Soo Hyun who was still stumbling.

"They did nothing to you. You want revenge from me then so be it. Kill me but let them all go" Namjoon yelled annoying Soo Hyun. "Fine then, I'll do as you say" he said gritting his teeth and heard cries of protest from the room. He proposed a deal to Namjoon which was nowhere sensible but Namjoon was going to do, if it meant freedom for the rest of his family and friends.

"You'll take every hit, obediently. If you fight back, one of your members will die. Agree?" He asked but was interrupted by Yoongi, "You Motherfucker, fucking son of a whore, stop being a coward and fight like a man" Yoongi yelled, earning hits and punches. Jimin muffle yelled at Yoongi to stop, but Yoongi was far too gone to hear him.

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