Long time

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It was month now, after Jin ran away from Namjoon's mansion, without seeing each other and to tell that the boys the didn't miss each other would, be a biggest lie. They both craved to see the other, but couldn't gather enough courage to face them. Killing their hearts, they both got busy in their own lives.

Jin had finish shooting his drama, which was premiering today. The director was throwing a party for the success of the drama and for Seokjin to congratulate his hard work, held in the famous hotel, which he didn't know was owned by Namjoon. He was in his  room, getting ready for the party, feeling a bit nervous.

He didn't know why but he his heart was beating a bit faster than usual and a weird feeling was churning in his stomach. He pushed those feelings away and concentrated on getting dressed for the party. A call calmed his heightened senses and he picked up with a smile.

"What it is Tae?" he asked moving around doing his work and heard the person whining, from the other side of the phone. He instantly stopped with a big smile and softly asked, "Do I hear Jia there?" he was met an excited squeal, which made a giggle to escape, "Papa, Jia talk you" she explained in her broken baby language.

Jin openly laughed at her cuteness and praised her, making her all shy and bubbly. Soon there was a disturbance on the phone and some screaming which alarmed Jin but he waited for someone to talk, "*huff* Hyung, it's me Tae" Tae spoke after the disturbance got settled.

Jin frowned, "What happened to Jia? Why was there so much noise and is she alright?" He couldn't help but ask him, feeling a bit worried. Tae pouted on the other side, even though Jin couldn't see and answered, "Wah, now I know that you love only Jia and not any of us. You broke my small heart hyung" he complained cutely.

Jin rolled his eyes at the childish Tae but didn't complain, "Tell me, why did you call?" He asked checking himself in the mirror, setting his hair to look presentable and of course, to show everyone that he was indeed, 'Worldwide Handsome Man'. Satisfied with his work he started collecting his watch and other stuff, before he left.

"Yeah, Hyung, uh-can I bring Hobi and Ami along with me?" He asked hesitantly, knowing that it wasn't his party and sighed inaudibly in relief, when Jin agreed happily

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"Yeah, Hyung, uh-can I bring Hobi and Ami along with me?" He asked hesitantly, knowing that it wasn't his party and sighed inaudibly in relief, when Jin agreed happily. He was low-key glad that Tae didn't talk about his brother or else he was sure that he wouldn't go to the party anymore.

He heard Tae thank him happily, which automatically made Jin smile at his adorableness. Ending the call, he went out of his room and was met with the grumpy faces of Yoongi and Kookie, who were unaware of his presence behind them.

He looked at them questioningly and asked, "What's wrong with you two?" His voice startled Jungkook while Yoongi looked at him with the same grumpy face. Jungkook's mouth opened in shock as he saw Jin standing behind him and Yoongi, "Wow hyung, you look so cool" he said breathless, eyeing his hyung top to the bottom.

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