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'W' was standing in front of his boss with a stern face and heart filled with nothing but hate for him, who had his back facing to him. He was there to report about his duty, "There is nothing new. Just that the Kim's are minding their own businesses" he said in a gruff voice, showing him the snaps that he collected.

The boss hummed lazily, with his back still facing him and was thinking or more like planning something. He turned towards W and looked at the photographs laid on the table. Nothing new caught his eyes which kind off pissed him but still kept a calm face, looking at the photographs like he was searching for something.

And then he caught it, grinning, he picked up a photograph and observed it carefully with the same creepy grin. W was honestly done with the man and wanted to leave from there, but the moment he saw the man grinning, his heart started beating abnormally fast, making him a little nervous.

The man put the photograph back and looked at W with a smile, "You know, I did a good work choosing you for this job" He said smirking, which made alarms go off in W's head, indicating that his boss was up to something, which wasn't good. W stared with a straight face instead of reacting, hating his helplessness that forced him under this evil man.

The boss continued with the same proud smirk but this time there was a dangerous glint in his eyes, "But now I'm really doubting your skills. I heard that you have great fighting skills and also that you have no fear." He walked towards him, "Except for one" he said, laughing tauntingly, trying to anger him. But W gave no reaction which irritated the boss.

"Let me put this in simple words, I'm taking good care of you dear wife, giving her protection, nice food and everything. And being a good husband that you're, need to pay the expenses. Nothing comes for free in this world, you know" he said talking straight to the point. W's worries turned into a anger the moment he mentioned his wife.

He didn't trust him even a bit regarding his wife, but the man had really done a great job in hiding her, that all his officer skills were of no use in finding her. He was extremely heartbroken when he couldn't find her even after he did his best. His love for his wife was too much which made him do anything to find her.

He knew Yoona would never forgive him for what he was doing, but he was forced to comply to his orders or loose his beloved wife. He was ready to face the hate and anger from his wife but not ready to let her go, finally accepting his fate. W still had blank face after hearing his boss, "What do you want me to do?" He asked with no emotion.

The man grinned widely, "See, that's why you're my favorite." he said looking at him proudly, "There's nothing much to do, you just have to bring me Kim Seokjin. I don't know how, but I need him alive in next 72 hours" he jumped to the point making W look at him with wide eyes. "NO! I'm not doing it, you asked me to spy and get information on them, I did. That was the deal and I did my part. I don't care about anything else just let my wife go" he angrily yelled, having enough of the psychic man.

The boss wasn't fazed by his outburst and stared at him with bored eyes, he 'tsk-ed' in fake sadness, "You still don't get it, do you? You're are no way in place to tell what to do. You do as I say or else I'll make you watch your wife getting torn in pieces" he said picking his nails, irritating W to the core. "I'm a nice man and being a nice person I'm giving you the option to choose, either do as I say or loose you're wife" he said shrugging like it was very simple.

W stood stunned in his place, not knowing what to do. One side, his wife was at risk but the other side he was forced to betray the vows he took to protect his country men before becoming an police officer. Among all this, he had one question running through his head, "Why? Why me? Why my family?" He whispered wanting to know why was life being so cruel to him.

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