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Taemin frowned slightly, looking at the man in front of him, "Yes? What can I help you with?" He asked politely. The man scoffed making Taemin a little uncomfortable and looked straight in Taemin's eyes with blank face, "This is my house. Get out" he said in dark voice. Taemin frowned, "Okay? And? That doesn't give you any rights to throw me out. I'm here for Jimin" he retorted.

The man's eyes twitched in annoyance and before he could do something, a whisper was heard from back of Taemin, "Yoongi!" Jimin said in a slow voice full of pain, sadness and shock. Yoongi softened hearing Jimin but still kept his intimidating aura and looked at Taemin, who looked confused, "Look, whoever you are. I'm here to take care of Jimin, so you can leave" he ordered.

Now it was Taemin who scoffed in disbelief, "Why should I even believe you? I'm here to take care of Jimin and I'm going to stay here till Jimin wants" he said with determination. Jimin sensed the thick tension bubbling between the boys and bit his lips. He wanted someone to come in and pull the boys away from each other but his luck wasn't with him.

He shakily took a breath and sweetly called for Taemin. "Uh, Taemin-ssi?" He looked at the back of Taemin and found his shoulders tensing a bit. But Yoongi had a very different expression, he looked extremely pissed like he was going to blast any second like a time bomb. Jimin silently gulped but ignored Yoongi and waited for Taemin to answer him.

Taemin turned around to look at Jimin, who looked nervous. Taemin wanted to ask why was he suddenly so nervous and who the man was, but decided not to. "Yes Jimin-ssi? Are you in pain? Do you need something?" He asked worriedly. Jimin smiled a little and shook his head, "No, I'm fine. Thank you for worrying about me but I think you should leave" he said guiltily in a small voice.

Taemin felt a pang in his heart, unaware of the pain in the heart of the man before him. Jimin looked down and played with his fingers before continuing, "I'm sorry but I want to sleep and you'll be bored, so you can leave." He said explaining himself. Taemin eyed Jimin and knew that he was lying but he understood and nodded, "Okay then, Jimin-ssi" he said softly smiling at him.

Jimin forced a smiled at him and started, "Uh, if it's not a bother, can you help me one last time?" He asked scared of being lashed at. Taemin smiled sweetly and said that he would help him every time he needed. Yoongi felt his heart cracking seeing the scene playing in front of him. He suddenly felt being far away from Jimin, even when he was so close.

Yoongi couldn't look away from Jimin the whole time. He could see the pain in his beautiful eyes, blaming himself for it. Jimin asked Taemin to help him get back to his room, to which Taemin agreed and was about to help Jimin but Yoongi had enough of him. He held Taemin's arm and stopped him from going to Jimin, "I'll do it, you can leave. Thank you for staying with him while I was gone" he said the last part bitterly.

Taemin glanced at Jimin from the corner of his eyes and found mixed emotions in them. There was love in his eyes for the man, but there was also sadness and anger. He didn't know what happened or who the man was to Jimin, but he thought it was best if he left them for now. After all, he didn't want to make Jimin sad than he already was.

He sighed deeply and looked at Jimin, "I'm going Jimin-ssi. It was pleasure to meet you. Take care of yourself" he said smiling at him. Jimin smiled back and nodded, "Me too, thank you for everything Taemin-ssi" he said bowing the best he could from the sofa. Taemin bowed down too and looked at Yoongi, walking past him, bumping shoulders on his way out.

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