Help!!!!! (pt. 1)

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Note: This chapter has some violence, sexual harassment, angst. Please read if you're comfortable or feel free to skip this chapter. I do not intend to support or promote these kind of activities, this is just a plot in the fiction.
Please enjoy the the story.

When Yoongi was dragging Jin to his room, he couldn't think about anything. He roughly pushed Jin in and slammed the door shut, making Jin jump in his place. Yoongi was determined to know the reason for his condition, no matter what.

He had his assumptions but he didn't want to conclude them, he want-no-he needed to know the truth, so he took a deep breath to control the volcano of his thoughts and turned towards the shaking man.

Jin felt himself shrinking, under the hardened gaze of the scary man in front of him. He felt like a kid who was caught stealing the snacks, which were meant for the guests. He tried to maintain his composure but whom was he kidding?

They both knew each other for almost all their lives. He knew Yoongi more than himself and Yoongi knew him inside-out, it was clear that Yoongi could see through him but he was stuck in an ever ending turmoil of his self doubts.

He knew that his brothers/friends, would never judge him but he still felt himself drowning in the ocean of negativity. He couldn't look into the eyes of Yoongi and toyed with the hem of his turtle neck, which hid the dark purple bruise on his neck.

Yoongi knew the reason Jin had worn turtle neck, in the month of burning summer, he simply bit his tongue and not comment about it. Even though he was dying on the inside, to know the truth about the bruise he waited for Jin to tell it himself.

He kept staring at Jin with an predator's gaze, having enough of the tense atmosphere, Jin broke the silence. "Yoongi, Why are we here?" He asked, trying not to sound weak, still not daring to look at him.

Yoongi just kept staring at him, "Are you ready to talk now?" He asked directly, impatient enough to beat around the bush. He saw, how Jin had tensed up at the question and bite his lips, which he often did when he felt nervous.

"Talk about what?" He asked feigning innocence. Yoongi felt anger rising in the pit of his stomach but he didn't loose his temper, instead he calmly said, "Fine. If that's what you want. I've all day, but know one thing that I'm not letting you go unless you tell me what happened".

Jin wanted to scream, when he heard Yoongi. He didn't want to remember it, he was embarrassed enough by moaning and wanted to dig a hole for himself to hide. He looked at Yoongi in disbelief and saw how the said man was smirking, clearing enjoying it.

He just wanted to vanish and escape the reality, but with Yoongi on his tail, he knew he couldn't do that. Not unless something miraculous happen and Yoongi forgot about it . The manager would bug the hell out of him, until he got what he wanted.

Jin just huffed rolling his eyes, crossed his hands over his chest and plopped down on his bed. Yoongi grinned, he knew he'd won when he saw Jin sitting down. He walked and sat next to him and took his hands, squeezing lightly, silently trying to assure him.

Jin was thankful for Yoongi's effort to comfort but he was unsure if he would still get the same comfort, when the truth was unveiled. But he had to get it out of him and finally started with a shaky breath, "It was at midnight.........."

By the time Jin had finished talking, Yoongi was scarily calm. He didn't react to anything and kept listening to him, without interrupting. At one point, Jin stopped talking and turned red. Yoongi noticed it, he wanted to punch the man in his face, thinking that he had done something more.

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