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Soon enough, the plane landed in Hawaii and everyone tiredly got off the plane, dragging themselves to the parking. As they stepped out, they were hit with the summer air that made them sweat profusely, making everyone grumble under their breaths.

Complaining, they soon stumbled in the car that Namjoon arranged for them which was supposed to take them to their rented cottage, that was a little out of the city. Jia kept whining in Jin's arms, not being used to be out under the shining sun.

Jin tired to calm her down but she kept fussing that was making Jin a little at the edge, feeling overwhelmed by everything. Namjoon, noticed him loosing his calm and instantly rushed to his side. He took Jia from him, trying to calm her down.

Ami felt bad when she saw both men trying to handle a fussy baby, who didn't seem to be calming down any soon. Jia was being all whiny due to the heat which both the men didn't realize. Ami stepped up to take her from them and took off her clothes.

When Ami felt that Jia was now getting a little calmer she handed her over to Namjoon, who cradled her gently in his arms, sitting in front of the air conditioner. Jia cutely sighed in relief, feeling a lot better which made Namjoon chuckle at her antics.

The whole ride, everyone dozed off, tried from the jet lag. But Namjoon struggled to stay awake and keep his eyes open, knowing that he was responsible for taking everyone safely to the destination since they were all new and didn't know English.

Everyone being tired and sleepy, failed to notice a car tailing them the whole way from the airport. The unknown man, never left the sight of the car riding in front of them and followed them keeping a safe distance trying to stay unnoticed.

He smirked in victory when the car stopped in front of a cottage, which obviously they were staying at. He quickly took his camera out from his bag and started clicking pictures of everyone getting out of the car.

When Namjoon stepped out of the car with Jia in his arms, the man stopped clicking the pictures and frowned in confusion, seeing a baby with them. He didn't recognize who she was, but judging from the scene, he concluded that she was someone important to them.

He instantly called his boss, wanting to report the new information he just found. The phone rung 2 times and the line from the other end picked up. "What?" His boss asked harshly. "I have a new information" he jumped straight to the point keeping his eyes on the baby.

"Spit it out" the person from the phone said annoyed. "There's a baby with them" he answered monotonously, ignoring the rudeness of his boss. He clearly heard the man's breath hitch on the other end which made him even more confused.

'What the fuck is going on?' He thought with an angry frown. The line grew silent for a while when suddenly the boss started laughing. The sound of his laugh was enough for the man to feel a cold shiver of fear run down his spine.

"This is turning out to be good day. I finally found that little bitch" he said in a deep voice. The man gulped, suddenly regretting on revealing the news of a baby with the 'Kims'. He breathed out shakily, feeling an unknown whirl of fear churning in his stomach.

He ended and call and stared at the now empty road as everyone went inside. He felt being hit with truck over and over, thinking the way his boss addressed the baby. Sure, he was after the Kims for a reason but it had nothing to do with the baby.

He rubbed his face in frustration, not understanding why was he feeling so protective over the baby. He felt the strong urge to hide the baby from the world, just to protect the angel from his cruel boss. He stared at the house with sorrow and left with guilt in his heart.

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