Yoonmin Forever!

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When Jin passed by Yoongi on the set.

Yoongi pouted angrily, offended by the lovers comments and marched to find Jimin. He wanted his little lover to comfort him or more like wanted to snuggle with his lover but couldn't do because Jimin was shy to do things with Yoongi in public. Yoongi cooed every time Jimin grew red when people commented on how they cute they looked together.

The world didn't need any verbal confirmation from the couple to know that they were together, any lay man could tell how both the males were deeply in love with each other, even when they didn't hold hands or kiss like normal couple in public. Yoongi respected Jimin and never forced him to do anything that he didn't like to and Jimin was more than thankful.

Yoongi reached the main hall with a small angry pout on his pale face, where the staff was packing up and he searched for Jimin. He saw Jimin's back towards him, busy showing something to a girl and assumed that it was the design for the costumes for Jin. Yoongi walked towards them and back hugged Jimin, hearing a slight gasp from Jimin and the girl next to him.

Yoongi tucked his face in Jimin's neck inhaling his scent while Jimin rubbed over Yoongi's hands with his small hand. Jimin looked at the girl apologetically and said, "I'll mail the remaining designs to you and get the materials for the selected ones". Yoongi frowned, he expected Jimin to squeal in his cute voice but Jimin didn't even acknowledge his presence.

Jimin quickly send the girl off, sensing Yoongi getting handsy. The girl understood and walked away, leaving the couple alone. Jimin pulled away from Yoongi and turned to look at him, "What's the matter? Why are you grumpy?" He asked folding his arms on his chest. Yoongi gave him a big pout and said, "Hug me, I want you to hug me" he whined to which Jimin giggled a little.

Yoongi scowled, "You're laughing at me? Am I funny?" He asked trying to sound annoyed. Jimin shook his head, "No, you aren't funny but you look so cute" he said laughing. Yoongi wanted to get angry but seeing his cute eye smile, Yoongi couldn't. He simply stared with a big frown but were interrupted by the maknae couple, "Yo, what's up grandpa and his short boyfriend" Tae said showing his boxy smile.

Jimin smacked Tae's head while Yoongi stared at him with blank eyes, "Repeat that" He said demandingly and Tae shivered at his tone, shaking his head, "No. I was just kidding" he muttered, stepping back a little. Jungkook shook his head in defeat, when Tae tried to hide behind him. Yoongi smirked seeing Tae scared and said, "That's what I thought". Tae pouted, "You're scary" he mumbled.

Jimin and Jungkook were discussing about the next shoot, while Yoongi was busy glaring the daylights out of Tae, who was ignoring him. Tae grew fussy when Jungkook stopped paying attention to him and tried to pull his bunny away from Jimin. Jimin sighed deeply shooting Tae a 'Really?' kind of look and said, "We'll talk later. Your puppy seems to be in need of attention. You take care of him, I'll meet you at home".

Tae wasn't offended at all, instead, he gave them a big smile making the Yoonmin couple shake their heads trying not to smile at his cuteness and Jungkook internally to coo at him. Yoongi shooed the couple and watched them walk away or more like, poor kook getting dragged away by a hyperactive Tae. Jimin turned to look at Yoongi, "Can we go to the mall? I've to get a few things for the next shoot" he said with his big eyes.

Yoongi groaned a little, seeing Jimin's big doe eyes, "Alright, let's go." He said trying not to wrap Jimin in his arms and watch him break out in a big smile, "Thank you. Let me get my stuff before we leave" he chirped happily and rushed to get his things leaving a smiling Yoongi behind. Jimin didn't have to do it that early, he just wanted to spend some time with Yoongi and go on a date.

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