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After the emotional revelation, the room was filled with thick silence. It wasn't awkward or anything, but was comforting, although Tae's mind was a mess, filled with the thoughts of a certain bunny, who unknowingly had a huge impact on him. He couldn't point out what was so enticing about the said boy but was sure about one thing, that he had done something to him, something good.

He wouldn't admit it out loud but even the smallest thing about the bunny had always got him all interested in it, at the end questioning himself about it. It made him realize that the bunny boy has a casted a strong spell over him and make him go all weak in his knees seeing him and loose his self control over himself, it wasn't right.

He gulped harshly when the realisation struck him like a thunder shaking him till the core, 'No way. It's impossible. Nope. Nu-uh. No, no' he thought, convincing himself. Roughly wiping off the sweat forming on his forehead, quickly gulped down a glass of water, not even worried of getting choked.

Fortunately, he was alone in the room which meant that nobody had seen him making a fool out of himself. He sighed in relief and rushed to his room to get dressed. Too many questions and thoughts kept clouding his mind, for which he desperately needed some answers and the only person he could think of that could help him was his friend, Minjae.

Suddenly feeling like a super hero, the sudden gush of adrenalin in his system, he ran to his car and stepped on the gas pedal, speeding out to reach the destination ASAP. Luckily, with no traffic and police on his way to stop him the drive to his destination, which originally was of 30 mins cut short to 15 mins, that's how desperate he was for the answers.

Climbing out of his car, he banged the door shut and rushed inside the famous club of Seoul, 'STEP IN THE HEAVEN' ,which was owned by Minjae and usually was found at, other than his office, that is. The guards at the entrance quickly opened the door on his arrival, letting him in, knowing that he was close to their boss and the known face of Korea.

Tae thanked them and walked directly towards the VIP section, pushing past everyone in his way. He harshly opened the door, startling the poor man inside the room, enjoying his drink. "Aishhh, yah! You scared me. Can't you be civil for once and knock on the door before bursting in?" Minjae yelled, wiping the drink spilled over his pants.

Ignoring the yelling, Tae closed the door, locking it behind him and walked in. Minjae grew suspicious at his weird behavior, "What are you doing? Why did you lock the door?" He asked confusedly, suddenly a dramatic gasp leaving his mouth, "Yah. I'm straight. Don't come towards me, you sick pervert" he exclaimed, crossing his hands over his chest, gesturing to protect himself.

Tae looked at him with a disgusted face, "You're not that handsome to do something with, you idiot" he rolled his eyes, sitting opposite to the scared man. Minjae felt his heart crack a little, he had lied about him being straight, in fact, he had crush on his friend for a very long time but he also knew that Tae had never saw him anything more than a friend.

He wanted to shout out to the world and to Tae about his feelings but he couldn't, knowing very well that, their friendship would be ruined and chose to suffer in silence. He didn't want to loose Tae and decided to keep his feelings to himself, hidden in his heart, compromising, if that's what it took to stay next to the person he adored so much.

He snapped out of his thoughts and put on an offended look, "Just because you're the face of Gucci, doesn't mean I'll let you come close to me, you hoe" he sassed, flicking his forehead before plopping down, not really bothered to see the pained expression of his friend. He shrugged, thinking that he deserved it for calling him 'not handsome'.

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