To me.

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When Jimin stopped Yoongi from calling Namjoon and Jin, he didn't understand why, but did as said. Still that didn't stop him from looking for Jungkook and he rushed out, leaving Jimin and Tae confused. They both followed Yoongi and found him getting into the car. Immediately, Jimin jumped into the passengers seat, yelling for Tae to stay at home.

"What do you think you're doing?" Yoongi asked in confusion. Jimin didn't dwell on it and said, "Whatever you're doing." He answered buckling the seat belt. Yoongi sighed and asked Jimin to get out and stay with Tae but Jimin refused, "See, now is not the time to fight, Jungkook is somewhere out there and God knows in what condition. I suggest you drive before I start to look for him on foot" he said not leaving any door for argument.

Yoongi sighed helplessly and started the engine, without any further discussion but that didn't mean Yoongi was not going to talk about it later. Jimin cheered internally and thought of the places the younger would go. They both decided to start looking from the places near the shooting set, thinking if he was somewhere around there.

They parted their ways and checked every park, dark alleys, parking lots and everywhere where they thought Jungkook could be but it was of no use. There was no sign of Jungkook or any sign of him being there in the beginning. Jimin was close to breaking down and so was Yoongi, but they composed themselves, not ready to give up yet.

They both were busy driving on the roads of Seoul, looking for Jungkook when Yoongi's phone rung, showing Jin's name displaying on the screen. Yoongi quickly picked it up and put on the loudspeaker for Jimin to hear as well, "Hyung? Where are you?" Yoongi asked without greeting him. Jin didn't answer him, instead asked him and Jimin to go back to home while he searched for Jungkook.

Jimin tried to tell that they could help too, but Jin was adamant and ordered them to go back. Yoongi sighed, he didn't know why were people stopping him from looking for Jungkook but he agreed and decided to go back home. Yoongi and Jimin heard Jin's calm voice and knew that he had some idea of where the lost boy could be.

Yoongi sighed silently in relief, he didn't know whom to blame for making everyone worried, but one thing was sure that both the boys were going to get an earful from him. Jimin sat next to Yoongi worried and that wasn't hidden from him. Yoongi held Jimin's hand on his lap, looking straight ahead and the other one on the wheel, "Everything's alright. Don't worry about it". He tried to calm him.

Jimin shook his head, "I'm not worried about that, I'm scared. What if he has a relapse? What if he thinks he is unwanted again? What if he goes back to being the before person?" He voiced out his troubling thoughts and Yoongi simply tightened his hold on Jimin's hand, unable to console him. The same thoughts were worrying him from the moment Tae told him everything that happened.

The silently rode back to the mansion, not bothering to clear out their worries. Both the males just wanted to see Jungkook safe and happy in front of them, their happy and cheerful bunny. They both sat silently, not getting out of the car, just basking in the needed silence. Yoongi let out a deep breath and turned to look at his boyfriend, who had a frown on his forehead, lost in deep thoughts.

Yoongi smiled sadly was first one to break the silence, "We will be there for him. Even if he goes back to before, we'll pull him out of that darkness. We will never leave him alone and always tell him how special he is" Yoongi softly said and Jimin looked at him with unsure eyes, "How can we? The reason for his relapse would be in front of him, wouldn't it be difficult to forget?" He asked again and this time Yoongi laughed a little.

"I'm going to take over a company Minnie, we are going to move to my place soon. We can take him with us. Or if he wants, he can stay in a different place close to ours, if he is uncomfortable with us" Yoongi pointed out and Jimin grew red, "Us?" He stuttered with red face and Yoongi cooed, "I would not let you away from me, not even for an hour, I'm taking you with me. You're my home Jimin, I can't find peace without you" he said kissing his knuckles.

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