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Seokjin was on the ninth cloud, floating in the happiness of going out on a date with Namjoon. He sighed happily and stepped down to check on his brothers, since he had locked himself in the room for 2 hours now. He was a bit shy, thinking of their reactions, telling them everything that happened in his room, of course, leaving the details.

He skipped downstairs and saw Jungkook sitting wrapped up in a blanket on Tae, who securely held him in his lap, rubbing his back comfortingly. By the lack of motion from Kook, Jin assumed that he must have fell asleep and tiptoed towards the pair. "Hey, is he alright?" Jin whispered softly, looking at them.

Tae nodded lightly and continued rubbing his back as he whimpered every now and then in his hold. Jin sighed sadly and asked if he should take him but Tae refused to let go and instead decided to carry the sleeping bunny himself, to his room and make him comfortable. Jin was pleased to see how Tae was taking care of his brother and hoped that they both would end up together.

He smiled at his thoughts and sat down with the same smile, making Jimin and Yoongi suspicious, who were in the kitchen, making food for everyone. "Why are you smiling like that?" Jimin asked with a frown, peeking from the kitchen. Jin jumped at his voice but gave him the smile and shook his head, "Nothing, nothing at all" he replied happily. Way too happily for anyone's liking.

"Oookay, something happened. Tell me what is it?" He asked coming closer to him. Yoongi shook his head, he knew why was Jin happy. Namjoon and him had a serious talk and Namjoon had told him about his decision of telling Jin everything. He didn't know how to feel about it, a lay man could tell that it was a risky step, but he decided to support him in his every decision.

Yoongi was glad to see Namjoon sure about telling Jin everything but on the other hand, he was starting to have second thoughts about his and Jimin's relationship. Today, after seeing Baekhyun with a gun, made him think about Jimin, 'What if it was Jimin?' , 'Is he safe with me?' , 'Will I be able to protect him?', thoughts like these started running in his head.

Baekhyun's words played in his head constantly like a record, reminding him how they were putting their loved ones in danger. Yoongi was sure of one thing, Jimin wasn't his weakness but he was definitely one to Jimin. The man wasn't after Jimin because he has something to do with him but only because Jimin was related to Yoongi.

All these thoughts were messing up his mind, he would never forgive himself if Jimin is in danger because of him. He was broken from his thoughts when he heard Jimin squealing loudly, making him snap his neck towards the living room. He peeked from the kitchen, to see Jimin bouncing happily and Jin blushing furiously, trying to shush the loud boy.

"Quiten down, would ya?" Jin said placing his hand over loud Jimin's mouth. Jimin calmed down but he was still smiling big, judging the way his eyes turned into crescent moons. Jin chuckled at him, "Jeez! You're a big baby" he said pecking his red cheeks. Jimin whined, "No, I'm not a baby and don't try to change the topic. I'm so happy for you" he again started jumping in happiness, hugging Jin.

Jin was touched seeing Jimin so happy for him, he giggled and hugged back, feeling it all too good to be true. Their squealing was too loud that Tae had to come out to check on them, "Will you both shut up? You both are going to wake my bunny" he scowled glaring at the excited men. Jimin rolled his eyes, "Fuck off! You have no say in this" he huffed glaring back.

Tae frowned, "Huh? What?" he asked confused. Jimin just waved him off, "Go and pet your bunny before he goes finding new owner" Jimin sarcastically commented making Jin laugh out at him. "I raised you well" Jin exclaimed proudly. Tae felt like he was talking to some aliens, "I seriously can't understand you both" he said staring at them in annoyance.

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