Hope less.

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"I'm so sorry baby. Please" Yoongi begged silently, shedding tears sitting on his knees. Suran was shocked to see her friend, who never showed any expression, crying. She wanted to be mad at him for getting himself into this situation and force her too as well, but it wasn't time for that and she sighed sadly.

She knelt down and patted his back, trying to comfort the broken boy, "Explain him Suga, I'm sure he would understand and don't lie to him this time. He deserves to know everything" she softly said and smiled when Yoongi nodded. Yoongi forced himself to his feet and dragged himself to his car, without even glancing at Suran.

Suran pitied Yoongi, knowing how important Jimin was to him but she couldn't do anything and let Yoongi handle the messed up situation, himself. She just hoped that the next time she meets Jimin, it wouldn't be awkward like today. With that, she walked back in the club to continue her night.

Yoongi drove back at the max speed to reach Jimin and apologize for his silly decision. He hoped Jimin would give him a chance to explain. He reached to his house and frowned seeing darkness, parking his car in the yard. He gulped audibly and with heavy steps, walked inside slowly only to feel heavy guilt fill his chest.

The hall was decorated in soft lights, giving off a romantic vibe. The floor was covered in rose petals and red balloons with a big frame of them both on the wall. A bottle of unopened champagne on the table with the now cold food, made his heart clench painfully. He looked around for Jimin but there was no sign of him in the house.

He tried to call him but every time his call directed to the voicemail. Yoongi was felt an undescribable feeling in the pit of his stomach but he forced it away, thinking that he was just over thinking. He bit his lip, thinking of the places Jimin would go and instantly called Tae, knowing that he must have an idea of where Jimin was.

Tae picked up his call after 2 rings and told him that he hadn't met Jimin since yesterday, alarming Yoongi a little. He ended the call, not explaining further and rushed to his car to search for Jimin, who still didn't know the place well. He buckled in his seat, ready to leave when his phone dinged, showing notification on his screen.

He frowned and quickly picked the phone up to check the message and instantly, his blood ran cold. There was a picture of Jimin tied to some chair, unconscious. He looked carefully and gritted his teeth in anger, there was a distant picture of Jin behind him and it was enough to know where Jimin was.

Yoongi was now filled with mixed emotions, he wanted to cry badly but on the other side, he wanted to smash his head on the nearest wall, blaming himself for putting Jimin in that place. He took a deep breath and thought for a second, before backing his car from the yard to drive to Namjoon, trying hard to keep his anger at bay.

"I won't let anything happen to you Jimin, if he even dares to touch a single hair on your body, he better get his insurance ready to compensate for the treatment of his broken bones" he mumbled gripping the wheel tightly, his knuckles turning white by the force. He wanted to kill, Kim Soo Hyun, who was stirring trouble for himself and others.


It was the same day when Soo Hyun had visited Jin earlier. Jin was lost in deep thoughts, trying to figure out a way to get out of this hell and didn't notice the door unlocking, someone walking towards him. Soo hyun fake coughed loudly, making Jin flinch lightly. He looked at the man and rolled his eyes, feeling annoyed.

Soo Hyun, ignored the disrespect and kept a blank face, "You must be wondering why am I here again" He questioned, Jin simply stared at him with bored eyes, watching the man talk with no emotion. Soo Hyun continued his speech with malicious tone, "Well, I've a surprise for you. Do you wanna know?" He asked with an evil smirk forming on his lips.

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