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Joon tried avoiding everyone (especially Jin), since the talk with the maid/nanny of Jia. He just wanted to be sure of his feelings before he approached the man, not wanting to regret in the future. Every morning, he left way too early, just so he could avoid their questions, which he knew were waiting for him to be answered.

Hobi caught on with the CEO, who was purposefully leaving early in the morning ignoring everyone, but never knew the reason for it. It was driving him insane seeing his best friend hide things from him but he knew better to respect his decision than question it. He kinda trusted that when the time is right, Namjoon will talk to him.

Days were passing by quickly, it was 2 weeks, since the arrival of the guests at the mansion. Joon wouldn't admit it but those 2 weeks were fun for him, he was glad that the guests were able to make people around him happy. Tae, was even more energetic than usual and not constantly begging to spend time with him, Hobi and Ami were glad to make friends out of the business purposes and he was contented that the mansion which was once full of dreading silence was now filled with laughter and happiness.

It warmed his heart seeing how few unknown people had completely blended in with his family and made everyone happy, something which he couldn't do alone. He was thankful for them, but at the same time a little disappointed that his angel, who is dearer to him, was all alone behind the walls in the mansion.

He knew, no one was to be blamed for it, but how could he ignore the tightening in his chest, knowing that his princess spends the whole day alone, locked in a room?

He sighed deeply in remorse for his baby and continued the day with a heavy heart. He had a meeting with the other company in few hours and not wanting to be bad mood, he shook off the thoughts running in his mind to concentrate on his work. Deeply immersed in his work, he failed to notice the door opening.

He was thoroughly scanning the documents, when a person screamed their guts out in front of him, making him scream in panic as well. The person stood in front of him, laughing at his expression while Joon was panting heavily, holding his drumming heart, looking like he was about to pass out, "What the fuck just happened?" he asked, looking around frantically.

"O-oh God. You haven't changed a bit Joon, I still enjoy greeting you like this. It makes my day much better" the person said between the laughter. Namjoon looked at him with an intense murderous glare, if looks could kill then it was clear that this person, would be brutally murdered over and over. "The fuck is wrong with you asshole? I almost shit my pants. I swear, I saw my life flashing in front of my eyes because of you" Namjoon yelled, slightly balling his fists.

"Woah woah! Calm down Tiger. Friends greet each other like this, what do you expect me to do? Shake hands like those old farts? No, thanks! I'm more than fine greeting you like this, plus, shouldn't you be used to this by now? You've known me for 14 years and still you're dumb, not my problem" he defended with his hands up, feeling the strong urge of the CEO to kill him.

Namjoon looked at him in disbelief, "Are you even serious, Jackson? You think scaring the hell out of someone is a friendly gesture? Jesus! you need some serious ass whooping to set your mind right" he closed his eyes, breathing deeply. Jackson shrugged, looking around, ignoring his friend who was busy muttering words to calm himself. "So? What's up? Anything new with you, old man?" Jackson asked, sitting down.

Namjoon scoffed, "We are of the same age loser. And to answer to your question, nope! Everything's same old, but seeing you desperately trying to hide your excitement means there's something juicy. So spill the tea, sis" Joon pointed out, smirking at the man's shocked expression. Jackson stayed still and stared at him with a concerned frown.

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