Me and you!

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Everyone were busy chattering among themselves as Jin fed Jia, who was now getting fussy feeling tired. Jin carried her to his room, followed by Jimin and Ami like pups, curious about the whole date thing. Jin refused to leak the details but they both were bugging him to tell them.

Jin coldly ignored them, running fingers through Jia's hair to put her to sleep. He was doing a great job in ignoring them both, making them annoyed. Ami huffed at him having enough of it, "Fine, don't talk. You're so mean" she angrily pouted. Jimin cooed at her, "Awww you look like a baby. An ugly baby" he teased pinching her cheeks.

Ami hissed pushing him away but Jimin didn't budge, pinching her cheeks hard. "Cut it out you both and get out of here. I'm trying to put her to sleep" Jin whisper shouted at them, making both of them stop and sit obediently on the couch in his room. Ami relaxed hearing his sweet voice, "I don't know about Jia, but I'm definitely going to fall asleep" she slurred with a drunken smile.

Jin chuckled inaudibly and shook his head, still humming. Jimin watched how Jin was carefully caressing Jia and felt a tinge of envy in his heart. "I want a baby too" he muttered, startling sleepy Ami and Jin stopped abruptly. He looked at Jimin with open mouth, "You want a what?" he asked, thinking if his mind was playing games with him.

Jimin sighed defeated and looked down at his chubby hands, nodding lightly, "Yea, every time I see you and Jia, I want to have a baby too" he confessed in a timid voice scared of their reactions. Jin softened, "It's okay, I understand what you feel and honestly, there's nothing wrong in it. Talk to Yoongi about it, his input is needed too and remember that we'll always support you in every decision" Jin comforted him and his eyes lit up.

Ami smiled and nodded too, agreeing with Jin. She thought of the time back when Yoongi asked her about the proposal and wanted to ask Jimin if he sensed something about it. "Uh, Jimin, can I ask you something if you don't mind?" She asked hesitantly. Jimin frowned and nodded, "How are you and Yoongi doing?" She asked trying to know, if Yoongi was acting weird.

Jimin thought for a minute and blushed smiling sweetly, "We are great. Everything is perfect, in fact, he is perfect. He always takes care of me, helps me, never hurts me but above all, he loves me and that's what matters to me" he explained with a dreamy look in his eyes, making Ami smile brightly at him and Jin to coo at blushing Jimin.

"I'm happy for you, you both deserve each other" she said placing her hand over his clasped hands softly. "You know, I think, soon enough Yoongi is going to surprise you" she said teasingly, making Jimin look at her suspiciously. He stared at her with a frown, "What surprise?" He asked turning towards her.

Ami giggled slyly, "Should I tell you? But wouldn't that ruin his surprise?" she said, pretending to think about it. Both the males rolled their eyes at her, Jimin grew impatient, "Tell me, what is it? Tell me, tell me, tell me~" he whined clutching her arm. Ami tried getting out his grip but Jimin kept tightening and whining continuously, forcing her to spill.

Jin was trying to shut him up but Jimin didn't stop and finally Ami gave in, worried for the sleeping baby and also scared of pissed Jin. "Okay! Stop whining" she said making Jimin stop and smile in victory. "First of all, whatever I'm going to tell shouldn't go out of this room, it will be between us, no matter what, and after hearing it, please don't over react. Okay?" She asked seriously looking a bit hesitant.

Both nodded quickly and Ami sighed shakily, turning towards an impatient Jimin, "Yoongi is going to ask you for marriage Jimin" she finally spilled everything in one single breath with her eyes tightly shut, making the boys breath hitch. They both yelled a, "WHAT?!" simultaneously, startling sleeping Jia, waking up from her sleep.

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