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Jin and the rest of them were in their new apartment for a week now and were all getting used to the new surrounding, which took a little time to adjust. Having being around a lot of people made them to look forward to the same crowd, but when they couldn't find, they were disappointed.

Slowly, things were all getting back in its place. Jin was back to his shooting, Yoongi back to being his manager, Jimin impressing everyone with his new designs and kook trying new models for his photography. All in all, it wasn't as bad as they expected it to be, but it was very tiring.

Namjoon was back to being a monster with no so emotions. Hobi tried to talk to him but Namjoon always shut him out, making him annoyed. Ami also moved out of the mansion to her place and back to her job of being the owner of beauty saloon and Tae, just lazing around with Jia in house, alone.

They all missed the time when they were all together in the house, eating, laughing at the silly things, playing and so much more. Ami spend most of her days of the week, in the mansion with Jia. She would keep crying the whole time, making everyone sick worried for her.

Not knowing what to do, Ami always called Jin for help, which he gladly did. He would video call her and talk to Jia, who would instantly stop crying seeing her PAPA at the screen and sleep peacefully, as he sung melodious lullaby to her.

It worked somehow, but every time Jia would make grabby hands towards the screen, asking her Papa to hold her, broke everyone's heart. Jin wouldn't admit but his eyes would sting with tears when he sees Jia with red eyes and snot covering her pretty face.

He promised to see her on the weekend which he didn't knew would be so difficult. The director was very strict man and refused to give the actors a day off for any reason which was killing Jin. He just wanted a few hours break but the director made it look like he asked for an year break.

"I swear Yoongi, that guy doesn't want me to enjoy my life. He is planning on making me work 24/7 till I loose my energy so that I won't be able to move without anyone's help" Jin exclaimed pacing in his dressing room, ranting his thought out to his manager, who was rethinking all his life decisions.

Yoongi rolled his eyes at Jin's extreme overacting. It wasn't like the director was a bad person, he just wanted to finish the shooting quickly so that everyone could be free but Jin definitely didn't understand that. He wanted to bash his head to the wall just to make him shut up.

Instead, he just groaned tiredly, being done with Jin's extra ass. He rubbed his head with his fingers in circular motion, trying to ease the rising headache, "For the last fucking time Jin, it isn't like that. We postponed the shooting and he just wants to finish this soon so that he can get rid of your complaining ass" he scowled, not caring if he was being mean.

Jin froze in his place and stared at Yoongi with glossy eyes, "Even he wants to get rid of me? Am I that unwantable?" He asked with voice heavy with hurt. Yoongi felt guilty hearing him, he knew how Jin was sensitive in such matters and he just pinched a wrong nerve at wrong time.

He sighed and softened looking at his lost face, "I-I didn't mean it like that Jin. I'm sorry" he apologised softly with guilt on his face. He had expected a big tantrum to be thrown at him with heavy crying but he completely forgot that he was talking about Jin, who was unpredictable.

Jin immediately grinned seeing Yoongi feeling shit and sassed, "Damn right bitch, you should be sorry. Don't you know who am I? The worldwide handsome face in this whole world, why the hell would I be unwantable?" He said sitting back on his chair with attitude.

Yoongi looked at him with open mouth, wondering what the hell just happened. His friend, who was almost crying a moment ago, was now sassing him. He sighed and stood up, "I should've known it was your act. I need to leave before I do something that I will regret. Get ready, I'll be back to call you when it's time".

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