Sweet and Sour.

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Namjoon was watching the reunion of friends and an angry person by the door, looking like a bull, ready to kill the person touching his property. He found the scenario entertaining and a good way to start his day. He kept his eyes mainly on the person by the door, who had now fisted his hands ready to punch someone.

The person walked to the happily hugging pair, unaware of the silent storm proceeding in their direction. *Whack* He slapped the back of head of Yugyeom, who winced at the stinging sensation on his head by the sudden force. He turned around with anger in his eyes to yell at the person but softened seeing him.

"Baby, why did you hit me?" He whined pulling him closer. His baby, Bambam, glared at him squinting his eyes and dangerously leaned towards him, "How the hell are you touching someone who is not me?" He asked in a low voice, making Yugyeom gulp thickly at his angry boyfriend.

A tiny round head peeked from the shoulder of the giant man covering his tiny frame and stepped in front, "Hi, I'm Jungkook" he waved his hands cutely making Bambam watch him with slight surprise "And this dumbo here, is my best friend, who happened to have lost contact with me a few years ago" he huffed, pointing at Yugyeom, who was rubbing the aching spot.

Bambam, silently stared, creeping the hell out of him and all of a sudden burst out squealing, pinching his cheeks, "Waahhhh, you're so cute. Yugyoem let's adopt him. He'll be our baby from today" he said squishing his cheeks, not glancing at his boyfriend, who had a troubled expression.

Jungkook was trying to get away from him. Yugyoem and Joon noticed Jungkook, who looked like he was about to cry. Namjoon quickly scrambled towards them and pulled Jungkook away from him, "Shh, kookie. Calm down buddy, you're fine" he whispered rubbing comforting circles over his hands.

Jungkook nodded hiccupping and hid his face in his hands to hide his tears, this melted Namjoon's heart and he couldn't help but pull Jungkook in his embrace. He noticed that Jungkook was trying hard to muffle his cries but he let him be and looked at Bambam, who had expression of lost kicked puppy.

Yugyeom held him close and whispered something, to which he nodded sadly and walked out looking sorry for Jungkook. Namjoon pulled away from him and looked at kookie who had tears flowing down his flushed face.

His heart cracked, reminding him of the past when he found the boy in the mall, so scared and vulnerable. It was hard to believe that once who was a stranger to him, was now so important that he definitely wanted to protect him at all cost.

He patted his back when the door burst open making Jungkook yelp loudly and dig his face into his chest. Hobi and Tae walked in laughing at something and saw the pair. Namjoon was close to throw hands at them but luckily Jungkook distracted him from killing his friends.

"Really? I wanted to see that. Na-" Hobi stopped mid sentence seeing Jungkook peeking from Namjoon's chest with red eyes. Tae frowned seeing his bunny sad and turned to Namjoon, who was still comforting the crying boy, "What happened? Why did he cry Joon?" Tae asked in cold voice.

Jungkook didn't dare look at them and fiddled with his fingers, embarrassed by the drama. Hobi, walked to him with concern all over his face, "Kookie-ah, are you alright?" He asked softly patting his head. Jungkook peeked through his wet eyelashes and nodded his head.

Tae, unsatisfied with the response, stared at Namjoon waiting for an answer. He explained everything to the newly arrived boys and glanced at Jungkook, staring down at his shoes with red face. Tae gritted his teeth, wanting to kill Bambam for touching his bunny and made sure to do so.

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