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Hello, my beautiful people, how are you all? I miss you all so much. I'm sorry I couldn't update in a few days and I'm also sorry that I cannot update in coming few days too.

The main reason being me fasting and finishing my assignments, honestly it's giving me a massive headache doing my projects and assignments which are ever ending but I need marks to graduate, so yeah.... I'll try to update sooner but I cannot promise anything.

I hope you wouldn't be pissed at me. I promise I'll make it up to you guys by updating chapters soon but before that I need to free myself from this busy schedule. Please give me some time to wrap up my final semester and then I'll give you good plot.

I hope you all have a good rest and stay safe guys, virus these days is spreading too much so please take care of yourselves. I love you all soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much. I'm sorry and I love you guys. Take care 💜💜💜

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