The Villain.

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Jin was tied to the chair, feeling his body numb. No movement in his hands or legs for days made it extremely uncomfortable yet he couldn't complain. He was locked in the basement for 2 days which felt like 2 centuries for him. The man who took him, often visited only to taunt and laugh at his state.

He didn't listen to him, in fact, he pretended to be asleep when the man came down to see him. It was creepy when the man sat for hours in front of him without doing anything and just stare with a blank face. He wouldn't admit but he felt like peeing his pants seeing his face. But he was Kim Seokjin, the famous actor, he knew how to control his expressions.

Today it was somehow different. The man as usual came down, but instead of a blank face he had a evil smirk on his face, alarming Jin a little. The man proudly sat in front of Jin and smiled, "Hello! It's nice to see you again" he said politely. Jin squinted his eyes, slightly glaring at him. The man scoffed, "It's not nice to ignore someone when they greet you" the man pointed out.

Jin rolled his eyes, it wasn't that he didn't want to greet him but the cruel man had taped his mouth shut, leaving no room for him to make any sound. Seeing Jin roll his eyes, the man spoke in realization, "Ah~ I forgot that you can't talk. My bad" he chuckled mockingly, making Jin's blood boil.

He leaned back, snapping his fingers and a man stood behind him. He smirked seeing Jin carefully observing the guard behind him, "Let me help you with that" He said pointing his fingers towards the guard behind him, motioning him towards Jin. The guard stepped towards Jin, who was panicking in his seat.

The guard didn't care seeing Jin squirm in his seat and just stood in front of him, pulling the tape roughly away from his mouth. Jin winced at the pain and glared daggers at the guard with teary eyes. The guard shot him a blank look and walked back to the dark corner where he came from. Jin gritted his teeth looking at the man in front of him, "Who are you? Why did you kidnap me?" asked in rough voice.

The man rolled his eyes, "And I thought you were different" he said disappointed. The man sighed, "Those are all common questions, you know, 'Who are you? Where am I? Why did you take me? What do you want' blah, blah, blah" he shook his head. Jin silently heard him, waiting for him to answer, still glaring at him.

The man stopped ranting and looked at Jin with no expression, "Well then, let me introduce myself." He said adjusting his expensive suit,

"I'm Kim Soo hyun, the rightful owner of the 'Kim Tech' company, which your boyfriend owns and the one to kill him" he said making Jin gasps inaudibly

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"I'm Kim Soo hyun, the rightful owner of the 'Kim Tech' company, which your boyfriend owns and the one to kill him" he said making Jin gasps inaudibly.

He smirked seeing Jin's shocked face, "Shocked right? Even I was, when he falsely claimed the company, which was supposed to be mine. A low class son of an employee, took over my place" he said in a voice heavy with poison for Namjoon. Jin couldn't believe what he was hearing, "Impossible, I don't believe you" he whispered shaking his head.

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