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"Wow man, being called as a monster, you sure do punch good" Hoseok said groaning, touching the wounds at his face. Namjoon chuckled between his tears, "Speak for yourself idiot, I can't feel my face now. All thanks to you" he replied, hissing at the cuts which were stinging like a bitch.

They both clumsily got up and looked at each other for a minute, before burst out laughing, "Oh My god! My fists work wonders, you look like shit" Hoseok laughed loudly holding his stomach. Namjoon clicked his tongue in annoyance, "Look at yourself, no one can recognize your face now" he smirked shaking his head.

They both laughed at themselves and decided to take care of their wounds before it gets infected. Unfortunately, they couldn't find the first aid kit in Namjoon's office, which forced them to leave for the mansion just to get the wounds treated.

As they both walked to the parking area, they both got extreme judgmental looks from the people which made them embarrassed, "Ah! I never felt this ashamed in my whole life but now, just because of you, I need to face this" Namjoon whined, covering his face.

Hoseok rolled his eyes but enjoyed the attention he was getting. Unlike Namjoon, he boldly walked showing off, his damaged face in public and even dared to send flirtatious smiles and winks to the ladies on their way. Namjoon looked at him weirdly and slapped the back of his head.

"I'm telling this to Ami, let's see how can you wink and smile at others in the future" Namjoon threatened, making Hoseok loose his confidence and look at him with puppy eyes, "You won't do that right, Joonie? I know you love me and you'd hate to not see me again, right?" He asked clinging to his arm.

Namjoon swatted his hand, "Yah! Are you sure you're not gay? Coz right now your inner gay is showing" he said looking at him with squinted eyes. Hobi glared at him, "Fucker, just because you're my best friend doesn't mean I won't spare you from my wrath" he said with cold eyes .

Now it was Namjoon's turn to loose his confidence. He coolly waved him off, pretending to be unaffected by his warning and got in the car asking Hobi to get in too, before he left him. The whole way, they bickered like kids unaware of the surprise waiting for them at the mansion.


Jin changed from his wet costume and left his room to join the others, who were waiting for him to wrap up for the day. He was a bit scared, knowing that he'll be bombarded with questions that he wasn't comfortable answering. Sighing, he somehow got out to face them.

As he started walking, he noticed the hallway was dark and it was way too silent, confusing him, "Didn't they ask me to join them? And now no one is here?" He talked to himself, getting annoyed for being left alone. He continued walking and finally he spotted the director talking to Yoongi.

A sigh left his mouth and breathed in relief. He was a little distance from them but he couldn't make out what they were talking about. He cleared his throat to make his presence known, making them look at him in surprise, "Oh, Seokjin-ssi. There you are!" The director exclaimed with a big smile.

Jin smiled back and walked to him, "I'm sorry I'm late, it was dark in the hallway and I got lost on my way so, yeah" he trailed off making the director chuckle lightly. He looked at him with small smile and waited for the director, to explain why was he called.

Yoongi looked at him from the corner of the eyes with a smile that he was trying to hide, signalling something which Jin couldn't understand. Jin stared at him with a frown, clearly not getting his message. Yoongi gave up and put on a bored look, confusing Jin even more.

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