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"Ughhh... Finally. My muscles are sore after sitting for so long" Jin whined as they all stepped out of the car when they reached at their destination. "I need a long warm bath..... and of course food" He grinned toothily mentioning food.

The rest boys just shook their heads at the eldest, "Hyung, I'm sure that one day you'll burst like a balloon if you keep eating like a pig" the youngest commented, making the eldest smack the back of his head.

"Yah, after feeding you food worth of 100 million, this is what I get in return? You ungrateful brat. Learn to respect your elders, I didn't raise you like this. Where are you learning this from?" The eldest kept scolding the maknae and Jimin being an angel that he was, jumped in to save the poor bunny.

"Hyung, stop stressing. You'll get wrinkles if you keep on yelling like this and not to forget, people are already watching us. Please let's go, yeah?" He requested and pulled Jin along without letting him speak, leaving Kook behind with his boyfriend.

Yoongi just patted Jungkook on the back and left him. Yoongi was on call with the company, about their arrival when suddenly a body tackled Jin from behind, making both of them land on the ground with a loud thud, taking everyone by a surprise around them.

"Hyyyyuuuunnnnggggg!! You guys are finally here. I was waiting for you guys." Tae screeched in Jin's ears, showing a big rectangular box like smile. Yoongi and Jimin were having tough time controlling their laughter seeing Jin on the ground, struggling with Tae at top.

"Taaaeeeee. Get up you're so heavy, you pig." Jin said shifting a little to get Tae up, from top of him. Tae realised and quickly got up, letting Jin breathe freely. "Oh my, what do you eat Tae? How are you so heavy?" He complained as Tae helped him stand.

They didn't realise people, watching with wide eyes and open mouths, except for one. Hobi and Ami froze in place shocked, while Joon just stood with a blank face. He didn't know how to react, but he was sure that his brother was way too happy at the famous model's arrival.

He sightly cleared his throat trying to get their attention towards him and boy, he did succeed getting a few gasps. Jimin and kook looked at Joon with open mouths, unable to comprehend that Korea's most known company's CEO, was standing in front of them in all his glory.

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